Latin Vulgate

Pasta Spaghetti Carbonariam,

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Pasta Spaghetti Carbonariam,

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adjust Servings:
150 g Jowls (curavit suilla maxillam)
6 Ova
150 g Caseus pecorino
degustare Nigrum piperis
degustare salis

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quodam culinae:

Spaghetti Pasta Carbonara with Eggs, Pepper and Pecorino Cheese

  • 25
  • serves 4
  • easy




Pasta Spaghetti Carbonariam, est unum ex maxime repraesentativum Italiae quodam culinae acetabula, ut condiscat et quasi emblema est summa philosophia in plena: paucis, simplex, pulcherrima rebus PALMARIUS potes facere catino.

Quod sit adipiscing a Caralitano guanciale, piperis, pecorino cheese and eggs beaten with other pepper, which must be cooked with the heat of the pasta in the pan.

Today we propose the original Roman recipe of pasta alla carbonara, where the guanciale is the master, quidem, the taste, the fat, we could say the juice of the condiment comes from this little jewel of the art of Norcia.

Sus est iste guanciale in maxilla partem pervenit collum fine conditus est proprie pro salsis et peppery 3 menses.



Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.


Remove the rind from the guanciale and cut it first into slices and then into strips of about 1cm thick. Pour the pieces into a no-stick pan and cook for about 15 minutes on a medium flame turning occasionally. Take care not to burn it otherwise it will give off a too strong aroma.


Cook spaghetti in boiling water for the time indicated on the package.


Pour the egg yolks in a bowl and add also most of the pecorino cheese provided in the recipe. The remaining part will serve to garnish the Pasta. Add black pepper and mix everything with a hand whisk. Add a tablespoon of cooking water to dilute the mixture and mix.


Drain the pasta al dente directly into the pan with the bacon and stir-fry it briefly to flavor it. Remove from heat and pour the mixture of eggs and pecorino into the pan, stirring quickly. If it is too dry you can add a little cooking water.


Serve immediately the carbonara spaghetti flavoring with the pecorino left and the black pepper.

You can also use another kind of pasta and in the absence of pecorino cheese you can use parmesan

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