Latin Vulgate

Cucurbita SORBITIO potatoes et velutinae

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Cucurbita SORBITIO potatoes et velutinae

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adjust Servings:
1 Kg Cucurbita
200 g potatoes
1 lt vegetabilis ius
80 g cepa
1 prement, Nigrum piperis
1 prement, salis
60 g Virgin extra Olive Oil
1 prement, Pulvis calami similiter ducentos quinquaginta
1 prement, nutmeg
For Croutons
30 g Virgin extra Olive Oil
100 g Panem

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  • healty
  • lux
  • vegan
  • Leo
quodam culinae:
  • 50
  • serves 4
  • easy


  • For Croutons



Autumni reginæ indubii Cucurbita … Dubia esset et per multos recipes cuncti ad ejus suavitatem, quae est in parte Italiae culinaria poneret servetis, vel cocta cucurbita cucurbita, ut risotto. Ad augendae electi sumus omnes sapores, paucis duntaxat aromatibus dulce solatium cibi vertere: cucurbita crepito. Et calidus CONDITUS, versutum est paratum, quam solam ministrare pulmentum optimum et omne donum perfectum condimentum dapibus aliis largiantur: fortuna praestatur semper! Vos can quoque partum vestri turpis menu et originale variationibus! Peculiari inter gratissimo animo acetabula, inde autumnus pulcher est cucurbita elit!



To prepare the velvety pumpkin and potatoes soup, start by preparing the vegetable broth.


Then go to the pumpkin cleaning. Cut it into slices and remove both the outer skin and the inner seeds; at this point you have to obtain 600 g of pulp, then cut it into cubes.


Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.


Peel the onion, chop finely then transfer it to a pan with the oil and let it brown over low heat. Once the onion has changed color, add the pumpkin and potatoes. Add a part of the broth to cover all the vegetables, the rest will be added later. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat for 25-30 minutes, adding more broth from time to time.


Cum legumina coquuntur, turn off the heat and blend all with an immersion mixer, until a smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained.


Then add the cinnamon, nutmeg and mix everything. Your pumpkin cream is now ready!


To prepare tasty accompanying croutons, cut the bread into small cubes and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with the oil, cook for about 5 minutes in a preheated oven in grill mode, then take them out. Serve the pumpkin cream in a soup bowl adding the golden croutons on the surface.

Turn this cream of pumpkin into a delicate first course by adding rice or barley, previously blanched!

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