
Vegan chukwa' Brownies

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Vegan chukwa' Brownies

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  • Ma' gluten
  • Healty
  • Sáasil
  • Vegano
  • Vegetariano
  • 35
  • K'a'ana'an 4
  • Chéen ch'a'abil



Pay óoltik ti', “chukwa'”, wa. Le brownies ku chukwa' waajo'ob u originarios, USA ciertamente mina'an u lúubul ti' le tsoolol janalbe'eno'ob ba'ax ku beetiko'ob le yaan u lidiar yéetel náayo'obo' kaajila' equilibrio. Ba'ale' le preparación ti' jump'éel menos versión calórica, xma' yaantal u renunciar u sabor inconfundible, Jach páajtal. Yéetel k'ek'eno' yaan utia'al le ku bisa'al jump'éel estilo kuxtal ku ti' le dieta vegana. Way jach bix uchik mentik brownies light yéetel vegano ti' le lu'uma', le “uláak' caras” ti' le cuadrados u chukwa' asab famosos ti' le yóok'ol kaaba'.


U meentik

Soft and delicious just like traditional ones, vegan brownies are prepared without the addition of eggs or butter. The first thing to do is pour 170 grams of whole wheat flour into a bowl, 150 grams of chopped dark chocolate even coarsely, a grated orange peel, 100 grams of cane sugar and 150 grams of shelled mixed dried fruit.

U meentik

To the ingredients just listed, add the cream of tartar powder and then begin to mix, remembering to also add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and 250 ml of soy milk. Knead until the mixture is not too liquid and then it pour it into a baking pan covered with parchment paper.

U meentik

Bake for 20 minutos ti' 200 grados

U meentik

Let the cake cool and then cut into squares. Here are some delicious good and light brownies ready: the balance and the palate will thank you.

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