
Papadum indio ou Papad

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Papadum indio ou Papad

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axuste Dose:
240 g Black Bean Flour (or lentils or chickpeas)
1 teaspoon ground Pementa negra
1 culler de té Cumin Seeds Powder
1/2 culler de té sal
1 cravo allo
0.25 ml + 1 culler de sopa auga
For Frying
Aceite de semente

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  • Sen glúten
  • vegan
  • vexetariano
  • 30
  • serve 4
  • Fácil


  • For Frying



Papadum ten moitos nomes: chámanlle papad, pappad, poppadum e pappadam, pero a receita é sempre a mesma. É, en primeiro lugar, unha especie de oblea, ou pan, cun agradable crujiente. Típico do sur da India, esta preparación comeza a verse tamén en nós, dispoñible en tendas de comida étnica ou mercados de comercio xusto. Na India úsano como merenda, fritos en aceite de coco, ou esmagalo con arroz ou outras preparacións.

Papadum ou papad prepáranse tradicionalmente con varios tipos de leguminosas. Faba mung negra, fariña de garavanzos, fariña de lentellas etc..



Mix together the flour, pementa, cumin seeds and salt, so that the spices are well distributed in the flour. Add the garlic and mix well. Add a little water at a time until you obtain an elastic paste: rather solid and dry (if it is not moist enough it will not work well. If necessary, add a little water at a time).


Knead the dough by hand for about 5 minutos, making it smooth, and then giving it a cylinder shape (about 5cm x 15cm long), then cutting some 3cm thick washers. Place each washer on a lightly oiled surface, then turn them so that they are greased on both sides. Cun rodillo (or by hand) then form circles of bread of about 15cm in diameter: roll out the dough until it forms very fine discs.


Sprinkle each Papadum with black pepper (probar) e, with the help of a spatula, transfer each bread onto a sheet of parchment paper. Let them dry for 2 horas (in India they leave them in the sun, ed) in the oven at less than 90 °, turning them every now and then. Remember they just have to dry, not cook.


The traditional cooking of Papadum involves cooking in the oven at 150 ° para sobre 20-25 minutos, but if you prefer you can quickly fry them in a pan with vegetable oil.


Eat them hot!

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