
Acuñadas Baba Ganoush

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Acuñadas Baba Ganoush

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axuste Dose:
2 berenxenas
3 culler de sopa Tahina
2 cloves of allo
1 culler de té Comiño moído
2,5 big tablespoon zume de limón
1 culler de té sal
1/2 culler de té Pementa negra
3 culler de sopa Aceite de Oliva Virxe Extra
a bunch of menta

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  • Sen glúten
  • healty
  • luz
  • vegan
  • vexetariano
  • 50
  • serve 6
  • Fácil




Babaganoush é unha salsa típico de Oriente Medio e cociña xudía de orixe sefardita, é dicir, os habitantes da conca do Mediterráneo. É unha crema exquisito feita a partir de pulpa de berenxenas e pasta de sésamo aromatizadas con varios ingredientes. Definido por veces, tamén berenxenas caviar, é saborosa e é perfecto para servir en moitas ocasións: de aperitivos para aperitivos e comida matinal. Baba Ganoush tamén é moi fácil de preparar.



To prepare the babaganoush, collect the ingredients and start cooking the eggplants. Wash and dry them, cut them lengthways, wrap them in an aluminum foil for food and place in a hot oven at 220 ° for about an hour.


Mentres tanto, crush the garlic and squeeze the lemon. Mix them in a large bowl and add the tahina and cumin, mixing the mixture well to make it smooth.


When the eggplants are cooked, let them cool, then peel them with a sharp knife and collect the pulp with the help of a spoon. Discard the peel.


Add the eggplants pulp in the bowl with the garlic, lemon and tahina, then crush it with the help of a potato masher with a perforated disc or a fork, stirring so as to mix all the ingredients in the best way. Babaganoush should not be a smooth cream: the one to be obtained is a creamy but not uniform and totally "smooth" consistency.


Adjust the consistency and taste of the cream by adding oil, salt and black pepper. Serve the babaganoush in a bowl with a little olive oil to taste and spinkle with a branch of mint.
Accompany with bread, possibly pita.

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