1 Kg Cabaza
200 g Patacas
1 lt Caldo de verduras
80 g cebola
1 beliscar Pementa negra
1 beliscar sal
60 g Aceite de Oliva Virxe Extra
1 beliscar canela en po
1 beliscar noz moscada
For Croutons
30 g Aceite de Oliva Virxe Extra
100 g Pan
Cabaza é a raíña indiscutible do outono … Inconfundible e coñecida por todos pola súa dozura é usado en moitas receitas que forman parte da tradición culinaria italiana, como cabaza cocida ou risoto cabaza. Nós escoller para mellorar todos os sabores, engadindo só algunhas especias e transformalo en unha deliciosa comida de confort: crema de cabaza. Quente e picante, é unha preparación moi versátil, ideal para servir só como unha sopa e perfecto como un condimento para enriquecer moitos outros pratos: éxito é sempre garantida! Tamén pode crear variacións orixinais para o seu menú de Halloween! Entre os pratos especiais máis saudables, crema de cabaza é só o lado bonito do outono!
To prepare the velvety pumpkin and potatoes soup, start by preparing the vegetable broth. |
Then go to the pumpkin cleaning. Cut it into slices and remove both the outer skin and the inner seeds; at this point you have to obtain 600 g of pulp, then cut it into cubes. |
Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. |
Peel the onion, chop finely then transfer it to a pan with the oil and let it brown over low heat. Once the onion has changed color, add the pumpkin and potatoes. Add a part of the broth to cover all the vegetables, the rest will be added later. Season with salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat for 25-30 minutos, adding more broth from time to time. |
Unha vez cocidas as verduras, turn off the heat and blend all with an immersion mixer, until a smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained. |
Then add the cinnamon, nutmeg and mix everything. Your pumpkin cream is now ready! |
To prepare tasty accompanying croutons, cut the bread into small cubes and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with the oil, cook for about 5 minutes in a preheated oven in grill mode, then take them out. Serve the pumpkin cream in a soup bowl adding the golden croutons on the surface. |