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Fried Me Nyuam Yaj tsuas

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Fried Me Nyuam Yaj tsuas

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Cov khoom xyaw



Easter yog tuaj thiab koj twb xav txog cov zaub mov mus nrog tej phooj ywg thiab cov txheeb ze … li ntawd, peb xav kom tantalize koj palate nrog ib tug thib ob succulent zaub mov, yuav tsum tau enjoyed tsawg kawg ib zaug: lub kib yaj tsuas! Lub ob breading, ua nrog lub qe, parmesan thiab breadcrumbs, tsim ib tug crunchy thiab cua plhaub uas tuas ib tug nyuj nyoos sab hauv. Kib nrog txiv roj roj rau ntawm ib tug me ntsis tsawg kub tshaj li niaj zaus yuav lav ib tug zoo meej tshwm sim: mos heev sab hauv thiab pleasantly crunchy nyob rau sab nraum. Nco ntsoov mus rau tawm hauv breadcrumb uncovered: rau no tais, nyob rau hauv qhov tseeb, txhua yam yog tso cai … rau ib zaug tsis nco qab ntawm lub rooj cov lus qhia thiab xav tias dawb banish qhov teeb thiab txaus siab rau tus me nyuam yaj tsuas kib nrog koj ob txhais tes! Ib tug ntau tshaj convivial txoj kev uas yuav txaus siab rau ua ke nrog koj tus qhua no yooj yim tab sis cua tais, zoo meej rau ua hauj lwm nrog ib tug nyias cov fennel los yog sauteed artichokes!

Cov kauj ruam

ua li cas

To make the fried lamb chops, start by cutting 8 chops from the rack with a knife and set aside.

ua li cas

Now dedicate yourself to breading: in a small, low bowl that can contain the chops, place the whole eggs, beat them with a fork, season with the grated Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper and stir again to obtain a homogeneous mixture. In another bowl pour the breadcrumbs.

ua li cas

Take one chop at a time, pass it in the beaten egg and leave the bone uncovered; then roll them in the breadcrumbs, again in the egg and finally carefully fold them in the breadcrumbs, to obtain a double breading that will make the fried lamb chops even more crispy.

ua li cas

Now you can proceed with the cooking: pour the olive oil in a pan with high sides, heat the oil and with a thermometer check that the temperature arrives and does not exceed 170 ° to obtain a perfect and dry frying. Fry the chops for about 4-5 feeb, soaking them while keeping the bone in your hands or with the kitchen tongs. It is recommended not to cook more than one or two at a time, so as not to lower the oil temperature. Cooking time may vary according to the size of the ribs.

ua li cas

Ib zaug siav, transfer them to a tray lined with absorbent paper to dry excess oil. Serve the lamb chops fried while still hot so you can taste them crunchy!

Daim ntawv qhia Xyuas

Muaj cov kev xyuas rau qhov no daim ntawv qhia tsis tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau koj rov los saib
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Ntxiv Koj Saib

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