
Cheesecake менен мөмө-

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Cheesecake менен мөмө-

сиздин коомдук желе-да жайгаштыр:

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тууралоо Кызматтын:
For the base (for a cake pan with a diameter of 22 см)
240 г Тамак сиңирүү печеньелери
110 г май
For the custard
500 г Жайылып салынуучу жаңы сыр
100 г Суюк Fresh крем
65 г кант
25 г Жүгөрү крахмалы
1 жумуртка
1 Сарысы
жарымы Лимон ширеси
жарымы Vanilla Bean
For the covering
100 г кычкыл каймак
даамы Жемиштер
даамы Mint
жарымы Vanilla Bean

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Сиз керек Кирүү же каттоо Кыстарма / сүйүктүү бул мазмун үчүн.

  • 110
  • кызмат кылат 8
  • Орточо


  • For the base (for a cake pan with a diameter of 22 см)

  • For the custard

  • For the covering



Мөмө менен Cheesecake америкалык салт менен бир типтүү десерт болот, каймак, сыр менен печений салынган базасын жана парданы каймак менен даярдалган. таттуу, кычкыл каймак Прянигиниздин жана жапайы жемиштерди бир каскадынын жумшак жана бир аз acidulous рахмат, Бул торт абдан талап себепртер жана биринчи даамы боюнча канааттандырат Times Square нан бири силерди ташый турган!



To prepare the Cheesecake with Berries, first melt the butter and let it cool; in the meantime place the biscuits in a mixer and blend them until they are powdered. Then transfer them to a bowl and pour the butter. Stir with a spoon until the mixture is uniform.


Then take a 22 cm springform and line the base with parchment paper. Place half of the biscuits inside and crush them with the back of the spoon to compact them. Then using the remaining biscuits also line the edge of the springform. As soon as you have covered the entire surface place the base of your Cheesecake to harden in the refrigerator for 30 мүнөт, or in the freezer for 15 мүнөт.


Ошол эле учурда, take care to prepare the custard: in a bowl break an egg, add a yolk, sugar and beat everything with a whisk until you get a cream.
Take the seeds of half a vanilla bean (keeping aside the rest that will serve later) and place them together with the eggs. Add the cream cheese a little at a time (and continue to mix with a whisk.) As soon as you have incorporated all the cheese, add the lemon juice and the cornstarch.
Then add the liquid fresh cream and stir again gently with the whisk.


Take the biscuit base out of the fridge and pour the mixture inside.
Lightly level the surface and cook in a preheated oven at 160 үчүн ° 60 мүнөт, then continue cooking at 170 ° for another 20 мүнөт.


бир жолу бышырылган, let the cheesecake cool down in the open oven with the door open and in the meantime take care of the topping.
Табада, add the sour cream with the seeds of the half vanilla bean kept aside and mix everything with a spatula.


Pour the topping onto the cheesecake at room temperature and spread it evenly, then put it back in the fridge to rest for 2 саат.


Эс алуудан кийин, turn out the cake and take care of the decoration: first add the currants, then the blackberries, the blueberries and the raspberries. Finally add the mint leaves and serve your fabulous Cheesecake!

In place of cream cheese for a less acidic and more delicate taste, you can use the same amount of ricotta cheese. Instead of berries you can garnish the cake with other fresh fruit or chocolate!

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