25 г масло
125 г 00 гурилын
2 өндөг
200 г бүх сүү
6 г Торт нь нунтаг жигд
15 г Sugar
амтлах Maple сироп
Бин ердийн Америкийн өглөөний байдаг бөгөөд олон талаар чихмэл болно, Амт нь дагуу. Тэд маш сайн байдаг бөгөөд өглөөний ихэвчлэн бэлтгэж байна, гэхдээ бас хөнгөн зууш, эсвэл ихээхэн хэмжээний, маш эрчимжүүлэн Нэгжийн хувьд маш сайн шийдэл байх болно. Сонгодог бин агч сироп нь garnished байна, Гэхдээ та үнэхээр амт та хүссэн болно, Таны таашаал хамааран, Nutella, эсвэл чанамал ашиглах. Ямар ч тохиолдолд, бин амт тагнайд нь бодит баярлаж байдаг бөгөөд үргэлж хүн бүрт маш их аз жаргалтай үлдээх. -ын тэдгээрийг хэрхэн бэлтгэх харцгаая.
үе шатууд
We start preparing the pancakes by melting the butter on very low heat, then let it cool. Үүний зэрэгцээ, divide the egg whites from the yolks. Pour the egg yolks in a bowl and beat them with a hand whisk, then add the melted butter at room temperature and drizzle in the milk, continuing to mix with the whisk. Mount the mixture until it is clear. |
Add the baking powder to the flour and sieve everything in the bowl with the egg mixture. Stir with the whisk to mix. |
Beat the egg whites until stiff, gradually pouring the sugar and when they will be whites and frothy, gently incorporate them to the egg mixture, with movements from top to bottom, to avoid disassembling them. |
Put to heat on medium heat (not high otherwise you will not give time to the dough to rise well during cooking and the pancakes will become too dark) a large non-stick pan (better if thick bottom) болон, минут эсвэл хүнсний ногоо зөөлөн болтол нь бутлахгүй, grease with a little butter spread on the surface with the help of kitchen paper. Pour a small ladle of preparation into the center of the pan, you will not need to spread it. |
When bubbles begin to appear on the surface and the base will be golden, turn it on the other side using a spatula, as if it were a crepe or an omelette. Then turn the other side to brown, after which the pancake will be ready. Continue with the rest of the dough and gradually arrange the pancakes on a serving dish, stack them on top of each other. |
With these doses about 12 pancakes should be formed. Serve them warm and sprinkle them with maple syrup. You can combine the pancakes with fresh fruit or syrup of your taste. |