125 g 00 Harina
90 g Harina garbanzos
3 Cucharada Glucosain alternative Multi-Flower Honey
400 g T'axu̲t'afi
100 g Ar dehe
315 g GHI (Mantequilla clarificada)
2 berries Cardamomo Verdewe will use the seeds
10 Almendras
10 Pistachos
Nu'bya ga centramos da particular jar receta Sohan Papdi ('nehe llamado komongu ar patisa, papri bätsi, soan papdi wa ya shonpapri), 'nar postre ko 'nar nt'ot'e cúbica característica ne 'nar consistencia za̲tho, da thoki precisamente jar nuna período entre finales ar Otubre ne ndu'mi ar Nobyembre, Nu'bu̲ Diwali, ar dängo ar ya ya, t'o̲t'e ja ar India.
Dige jar mexa t'o̲t'e ar dängo nuna ar dängo ko postre pa mahä'mu̲ a base de t'axu̲t'afi, harina, harina garbanzo, Ghi (ar típica mantequilla clarificada ar ar India), 'ba ne semillas cardamomo picado, Bí nja'bu̲ bí komongu 'nar hño mezcla ixi seca; receta Sohan Papdi Hingar xki compleja, ne ar dätä dificultad ar refiere da consistencia ar Uthuhme (nä'ä bi jagu̲ju̲ procesamiento exacto ar t'axu̲t'afi ne ar mpat'i yá ya compuestos), Temu̲ bi esponjoso ne za̲tho. Ar sabor, Ja ir ngehnu̲, gi mbeni da toffee ne avellanas, ko ar toque ar especias da ofrece 'nar regusto verdaderamente delicioso.
Jar ndu̲i lugar, sift both flours, slowly adding them to 2/3 of clarified butter, to be placed in a saucepan to be heated on the stove; in the process we continue to turn with a spoon to avoid the formation of lumps. When the mixture reaches the boiling point, we can add the previously chopped cardamom seeds, continuing to mix with a spoon until everything reaches a caramel color. |
Mente tanto, put the remaining part of clarified butter, sugar and water in a non-stick pan, bringing this mixture to a boil and then pouring the spoons of honey or glucose into it; here too, we continue to mix to bring it to the caramel color, then remove from the heat and, always stirring with a spoon, wait for it to reach the desired consistency. |
Now let's go and combine the two compounds, making sure to incorporate the sugar well, which will have to spin, and to absorb the flour mix well; |
everything will be poured on a sheet of baking paper, which we will cover with another sheet to create the shape of a rectangle, helping us with a rolling pin to compact the cake. |
Now we can cover the top with the almonds and pistachios, chopped according to our taste, and with the knife make a grid to mark the "Piezas" of Soan Papdi. |
We will wait about half an hour for the mixture to cool and harden, and then we can already serve our dessert on the table and enjoy it. |