
Peach Cobbler Kue

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Peach Cobbler Kue

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Saluyukeun Servings:
115 g mantega
125 g 0 tipung
400 g gula
1 séndok Baking powder Pikeun muih
1 ciwit tina uyah
245 g Susu sakabeh
6 Persik
1 séndok lemon Sari buah
mun rasa kayu manis Bubuk

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resep dinten ieu téh resep tradisional, tapi ogé mangrupa amis unggulan, kanyataanna, nu peaches aya dina hiji mangsa jeung bahan sésana anu sideboard Palasik atawa salawasna hadir dina fridge kami. Ieu mixes sadayana sakali, lajeng dina oven dina piring baking pikeun sajam, nu bisa sigana lila, tapi Samentara éta bisa dahar makan anjeun sarta dessert kieu anjeun bisa kacida alusna dahar panas atawa haneut meureun dibiruyungan krim dikocok atawa és krim . Peach cobbler mangrupakeun dessert has Texas, Géorgia sarta yén aréa di kiduleun Amérika Serikat. amis, peaches musiman ngeunah nu masihan sagala rasa maranéhna pikeun adonan gula ieu. Tapi kudu ati nyiapkeun eta pikeun lalaki anjeun, tradisional Nyiapkeun dessert ieu sareng mere eta ka tercinta dianggap proposal nikah!



To prepare the Peach Cobbler first, peel the peaches, cut into small pieces and cook over high heat, bringing them to boil, with half the sugar and lemon juice, turning them often until they are soft.


Papisah, prepare the dough for the cobbler.
Dina mangkok ageung, mix the flour, gula, baking powder and salt. Add the milk and stir to mix the dough which must however remain semi-liquid consistency.


Melt the butter in an oven dish, and pour the mixture into the pan without stirring.


Pour the peaches over the dough, again without stirring. Sprinkle as desired with a little cinnamon powder.


Heat the oven to 180 ° C and bake your cobbler for about 40-45 minutes or in any case until it is golden brown.
Your Peach Cobbler is ready! You can serve it both warm and cold.
Try it also with vanilla ice cream!

This dessert is perfect for summer evenings with friends. The original recipe includes the use of peaches, but nothing detracts from being able to use other seasonal fruit at your leisure, such as apricots!

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