
Waaj box estonio – Leib

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Waaj box estonio – Leib

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Raciones ajuste:
300 g Rye Flour
100 g W240 Flour
50 g Whole Spelt Flour
270 g Ja'
9 g Levadura k'áaj ja'
8 g Ta'ab/jok'en

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  • Healty
  • Sáasil
  • Vegano
  • Vegetariano
  • 290
  • K'a'ana'an 4
  • Chéen ch'a'abil




Le box waajo' jach Wa típica Xaman u Europa. Ki', Ki' tu láaj jo'ochiko'obe' yéetel sales minerales, Leti' jump'éel excelente alternativa ti' le waajo' sak yéetel le adecuado utia'al u aquellos ku siguen jump'éel dieta baja ti' calorías. U boonil yéek'joch'e'en tal dado tumen le harina u centeno mezclada yéetel uláak' tipos harina.. Beetik u ken a ba'al u k'iinil yéetel sírvelo untado yéetel mantequilla yéetel mermelada utia'al u yuk'ul, wa láak'intik yéetel salmón ahumado, crema su'uts' páak'al yéetel cebollino. Wa, Ichil uláak' ba'ale', Teech etail utia'al cenar, sírvelo ti' jump'éel aperitivo yéetel mota wa jamón crudo, wa quesos semicurados u realzan le sabor Ch'óoch' ti' le waajo'.


U meentik

Pour the flours, brewer's yeast and 270 g of water into the bowl of the mixer and knead for a few minutes, add the salt and knead until the dough is smooth and homogeneous.

U meentik

Put the dough to rise in a covered container and in a warm place for about 2 hours or in any case until its initial volume is doubled.

U meentik

Now proceed with the molding: take the dough and spread it gently. Fold the 2 top flaps towards the center. Now bring the whole top to the center. Roll the dough without tightening it very tightly, tightening the closure well.

U meentik

Place the dough with the closure facing up in a leavening basket and let it rise for 60-90 minutos.

U meentik

Turn it over on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, make an incision with a cutter and bake it in a preheated oven at 220 ° C, after 20 minutes lower the oven temperature to 180 ° C and finish cooking. This will take approximately 45-50 minutos.

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