350 g Pasta
400 g Calabacín
6 Le' Wotoch le k'an
6 Le' Kakaltun
1 little bunch Perejil
40 g rallado Queso parmesano
1 Clavo Ajo
Je'el bix uts'ta t'aane' Ta'ab/jok'en
Je'el bix uts'ta t'aane' Ts'ulubmay box
Je'el bix uts'ta t'aane' Tsaats oliva extra virgen
Menta ka calabacín le jump'éel combinación Mantats' meyaj, U hecho le clásico Búukint Jayp'éel le' le aromático yóok'ol calabacín ti' le plancha. Le combinación xan ku páajtal replicar belal bey yaan utia'al pasta. Le pesto calabacín yéetel menta le jump'éel k'oja'ano'obo' excelente ti' jump'éel yáax lako' vegetariano jach fragante yéetel veraniego. Le cantidad menta ku páajtal ajustar bix u desee, obteniendo bey juntúul pesto asab o bey aromático.
Ts'o'ok k hablado ti' pasta yéetel calabacín, presentando jump'éel a verano yéetel calabacín yéetel stracciatella, Bejla'e' #8217 a wil uláak' variante u k'iinil, Yaan meentaj recetas yéetel calabacín, Páajtal ichil le yáax kaambalo'ob.
Le pasta yéetel pesto menta yéetel calabacín le jach sencilla mentik yéetel utia'al u yantal jump'éel resultado perfecto bastará yéetel t'u'uchpachtik ka'ap'éel Jayáach reglas: biilankiltej ts'o'onota', calabacín ch'ujuk ka ki' ka meentik jump'éel aal generoso yéetel jach cremoso (ku ts'áabal ja' cocción wa k'a'abéet). obviamente, yéetel calabacín recién recogido ti' le jardín, Wa u elige le Buka'aj correcto, le éxito táan garantizado.
U meentik
To prepare the pesto, start by cleaning the vegetable. Wash, dry the zucchini and cut them into slices that are not too thick. |
U meentik
Ti' jump'éel nojoch tuubel, brown the minced garlic clove with 3 tablespoons of oil. Then add the zucchini, add salt and cook for about ten minutes, adding a little water if necessary. As soon as they are completely cooked, turn off. |
U meentik
Bring plenty of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta. |
U meentik
Mientras séen, transfer the zucchini and their cooking juices to a blender. Add the mint, all the other aromas, washed and dried, the Parmesan and blend until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream. Taste and adjust with salt, oil and pepper as needed. Extend the pesto with a few tablespoons of cooking water until it reaches a fluid and full-bodied consistency. |
U meentik
As soon as the pasta is cooked, drain it and season it with the zucchini and mint pesto. Serve this vegetarian first course very hot. |