8 Banana Leaves
1 kg 粟米粉
8 黑橄欖
50 g of Roasted Peanuts
4 cut in half 雞蛋
2 tablespoon of ground Peruvian Red Chilis
1 tablespoon of ground Peruvian Yellow Chili
3 minced gloves of 大蒜
1/2 茶匙 鹽
1/4 teaspoon of ground 黑胡椒
1 捏 孜然粉
1/2 茶匙 Monosodium Glutamate
500 Gr 豬肉
200 Gr 黄油
1 杯 向日葵油
1 中 洋蔥
在秘魯, 富有嘅塔馬利係家庭嘅代名詞, party 同周日早餐. 在秘魯嘅好多地區都有呢啲品種, 通常在利馬, 佢哋塞滿了豬或雞, people’s favorites and wrapped in banana leaf and in the province wrapped in corn leaf.
目前, 秘魯個個地區喺點樣充分. 卡哈马基诺斯·塔马莱斯, 欽查诺斯·塔马莱斯, 克里奥尔·塔马利, 苏佩·塔马利, 塞拉诺·塔马莱斯, 綠色塔馬利, 藜麦塔马利, 等. 個個唔同, 同時相同.
雞肉塔馬利, 係最鍾意嘅條目或最需要周日早餐的同伴. 其美味嘅香氣同幾咁柔軟, 渴望喺任何時候, 伴有果汁或咖啡. 香蕉葉令佢保持其香氣, 並增強佢甚至更多.
佢係用粟米粉制成的, 黃胡椒, 組成它的其他成分.
To start making the delicious Peruvian tamales, we must first make the dressing in a saucepan. Heat the pan for two minutes and then pour the butter until it is completely dissolved. |
Once you have the dressing ready, make the pork in pieces (or the chicken) so that it browns for 20 分鐘. It is necessary to be reviewing and calculating the time since sometimes it depends on the power of the fire. |
Remove the pieces of chicken or pork from the dressing, then add the cornmeal, the oil and move in an enveloping way so that it does not stick. The color of the tamale will depend on the amount of red pepper and yellow pepper you use. If you wish, add a little more of both peppers so that it has more color and flavor. It is to everyone's taste ? |
Now let's put the tamales together. Take some dough and place it on the banana leaf that you have previously cut the size you want. For this the red chili must be with a little oil so that it does not stick. Divide that dough into eight portions respectively. |
Give each portion on the banana leaf a rectangular shape. Make an opening or hole in the center, place a piece of pork or chicken, a piece of egg, an olive and a peanut. |
Place all tamales in a large pot with water (until covered) and cook for two hours. |
Remove the tamales and let them cool. 請享用! |