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  • Mozzarella ena dua na kareti vata kei Ame buta katakata

Mozzarella ena dua na kareti vata kei Ame buta katakata

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Mozzarella ena dua na kareti vata kei Ame buta katakata

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600 lako (12 selesele) iVotavota ni Madrai
500 lako Buffalo Mozzarella
150 lako Hami Buli
5 big Na yaloka
tovolea Salt
100 lako 00 Sara na kena valawa
300 lako Breadcrumbs
Ki na Fry
1 l Sunflower ni waiwai

Oqo gona na isaluwaki ni Bookmark

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  • Ki na Fry



E dua na qiqi o Mozzarella ena dua na kareti “gaunisala ni kakana”, ka rawa ni caka mai vale ena gauna lekaleka. Oqo e dua vei ira na isaqasaqa ni kakana vaka me rawarawa sara me ra cakava, solia na gauna ni lekaleka e gadrevi me rawa ni. Na ka dina, e vuqa na tamata, ni da sotava e breadcrumbs, mozzarella, na yaloka, waiwai kei na madrai, sega ni kila na vanua mo ni sa tekivu me ra rawata na Mozzarella vinaka sara ena dua na kareti, koula kei na crunchy ena na dodonu ni gauna. E rairai sega beka ni ra kila kece na mozzarella ena dua na vakayacori e rawa ni saqa ena rua na sala duidui: tavuteke kei na caka. Na Mozzarella e carrozza e tiko kina e dua na dari ni peninsula ni Itali ka sa rabailevu ena ceva. Kena irairai ni a sucu mai Kenia, ena itekivu ni ikatinikaciwa ni senijiuri. E dina ga ni ra taura tu na kai Roma ni sa nodra iyau na icakacaka, a caka me recycle na madrai torocake kei na bafalo mozzarella.
Na icakacaka taumada mai Campania e vakarautaka na vakayagataki ni vakatabakidua ni bafalo mozzarella, e dina ga ni sa rui barasi. Ena vuku ni inaki oqo, Kevaka e vakayagataki na mozzarella bafalo, e dodonu me drained ena vica na auwa.
Na icakacaka oqo e taura na yaca ni mozzarella ena dua na vakayacori baleta, na selesele ni jisi e sa solegi tu ena rua na selesele ni madrai (ka cakacaka me vakayacori), breadcrumbs ka qai tavuteke. Then the crunchy wrapper that is obtainedprotects” na malumalumu ni mozzarella, me vaka ga e dua na raluve taqomaki ki loma na nona kareti.

Na ikalawa


To prepare the mozzarella in a carriage, start cutting the buffalo mozzarella into slices 1 cm vavaku. Arrange them on a tray lined with absorbent paper and cover with other sheets of absorbent paper. Press gently with your hands to dab the mozzarella and remove excess water. If it is necessary change the sheets of kitchen paper until it is completely dry.


Ena gauna oqo, go on to stuff the bread. Place the slices of sliced ​​bread on a cutting board, place the slices of mozzarella on top, so as to cover the entire surface, but without letting it run out, add salt and a slice of ham and cover with another slice of bread. Then press gently with your hands to compact the whole thing. Continue like this for all the other slices of bread, until the mozzarella is finished. Then trim the stuffed bread slices using a knife to remove the outer crust.


Switch to breading now. Break the eggs into a baking dish and beat them with a whisk for a few minutes. Then in two other dishes, put the breadcrumbs in one and the sifted flour in the other. At this point pass each piece of bread stuffed first in the flour and then using 2 forks in the egg, so as to cover them completely. Then pass them on a plate for a few seconds, so as to remove the excess egg and avoid lumps when you pass it in breadcrumbs. Transfer on a cutting board and with the blade of a knife lightly pressed the edges and the surface so as to uniform the breading and have a more precise shape. If necessary, pass again in the breadcrumbs and press again with the knife blade. Continue like this for all the other pieces and transfer them to a tray lined with parchment paper. Then transfer to the refrigerator for about 30 na miniti.


After the mozzarellas have hardened, you can switch to the second breading, passing them first in the egg, then in the saucer to remove the excess and finally in the breadcrumbs. As previously done, then transfer the pieces of mozzarella in a carriage to a cutting board and smooth the breading with a knife. Continue like this for all the others by placing them on a tray lined with parchment paper. Put it in the fridge to harden for another 30 na miniti.


Pour the oil in a pan and bring it to the temperature of 170-180 ° at the most. Dip a few pieces at a time and cook the mozzarellas in a carriage for 1-2 na miniti, turning them from time to time with a skimmer. When they are golden brown, drain them from the oil and transfer them to a tray lined with absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Fry the others and serve your mozzarella in a carriage immediately.

Na ivolalailai ni icakacaka railesu

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