265 g Chocolate negro
4 ovos
175 g whole peeled Hazelnuts
135 g (room temperature) manteiga
135 g 00 fariña
255 g azucre
1 pitada de sal
brownies, cadrados de cor escura, a cortiza luz ea mestura densa de chocolate e de froitos secos! Amado por adultos e nenos, eses doces tradicionais americanos son frecuentemente acompañadas de chantilly ou xeado de vainilla. Dise que eles estaban preparados para a primeira vez en 1892 en Chicago, cando, motivo dunha gran feira para celebrar o 400º aniversario do descubrimento de América, unha muller de alto rango chamado Bertha Palmer pediulle chef para crear unha sobremesa que era práctico para levar ao redor da cidade, sen o risco de quedar nas mans ou vestido sucio. Algunhas versións modernas adoitan levar a consistencia de brownie máis próximo ao dun bolo soft-san, deixando a masa case derretendo: unha delicia, Si, pero non fiel ao brownie orixinais, que debe deixar os dedos secos!
To prepare the brownies, start coarsely chopping the chocolate and put it to melt in a bain-marie; make sure that the water in the saucepan does not come into contact with the chocolate placed in the bowl. |
When it is almost melted, add the soft butter into chunks. Stir carefully until it melts too, then remove from heat and allow to cool, axitando ocasionalmente. |
mentres, cook the hazelnuts in a preheated 180 ° forno para 8 minutos. Then remove from the oven and leave to cool, so as not to burn yourself, then chop very coarsely and keep aside. |
Now place the eggs in a bowl, e, starting to beat them with electric whips and add the sugar. It is not necessary to whip the mixture: continue to beat only until the sugar has melted. Then add the salt, and let it melt too. Always with the whips in action, add the mixture of chocolate and lukewarm butter. As soon as the chocolate is mixed with the mixture, stop beating. Place a fine-mesh strainer on the bowl and sieve the flour. Mix with a spatula until it absorbs evenly, then add the hazelnuts now cold and blend them too. |
Grease and line with baking paper a rectangular pan 35X27 cm (or a square baking pan 30X30 cm) and pour the mixture, leveling it with a spatula to distribute it evenly. |
Coza no forno pré-Calefacción a unha 180 ° durante 25 minutos, then take it out and leave aside until it is completely cool. Neste punto, make your cubes by making 5 horizontal and 5 vertical cuts at an identical distance to obtain brownies of the same size! |