Neeg txhais lus

Pasta Nrog Zucchini thiab Mint Pesto

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Pasta Nrog Zucchini thiab Mint Pesto

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Cov khoom xyaw

kho servings:
350 g Nplej zom
400 g Taub soob
6 nplooj mint
6 nplooj Basil
1 little bunch Zaub txhwb qaib
40 g guitar parmesan cheese
1 qej Qej
rau saj ntsev
rau saj Dub kua txob
rau saj Ntxiv nkauj xwb txiv roj roj

Bookmark no daim ntawv qhia

Koj yuav tsum ID nkag mus los yog sau npe rau bookmark / nyiam no cov ntsiab lus.

  • Healty
  • Lub teeb
  • Vegan
  • Neeg tsis noj nqaij
  • 20
  • Ua hauj lwm pab 4
  • Ib qho yooj yim

Cov khoom xyaw



Mint thiab zucchini yog qhov sib txuam uas ib txwm ua haujlwm, Nws yog classic hauv qhov tseeb los tso ob peb nplooj ntawm no muaj ntxhiab ntawm grilled zucchini. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke no tseem tuaj yeem rov ua dua ib zaug ntxiv xws li kua ntses rau cov nplej zom. Zucchini thiab mint pesto yog lub hauv paus zoo rau kev ntxhiab tsw heev thiab lub caij ntuj sov ua neeg tsis noj nqaij ua ntej chav kawm. Qhov ntau ntawm mint tuaj yeem hloov kho raws li qhov xav tau, yog li tau txais ntau dua lossis tsawg ntxhiab pesto.

Peb twb tau tham txog cov nplej zom nrog zucchini, nthuav qhia lub caij ntuj sov hws raws li zucchini thiab stracciatella, tam sim no cia saib lwm yam hloov ntawm lub caij nyoog, muaj ntau cov zaub mov txawv nrog zucchini, txawm tias ntawm thawj cov chav kawm.

Pasta nrog mint thiab zucchini pesto yog qhov yooj yim heev los npaj thiab muaj lub txiaj ntsig zoo meej nws yuav txaus ua raws li ob txoj cai yooj yim: siv tshiab, qab zib thiab six zucchini thiab ua tus dav thiab creamy pesto heev (ntxiv dej ua noj yog tsim nyog). Pom tseeb, nrog freshly khaws zucchini hauv lub vaj, yog xaiv tau txoj cai loj, muaj kev vam meej yog guaranteed.

Cov kauj ruam

ua li cas

To prepare the pesto, start by cleaning the vegetable. Wash, dry the zucchini and cut them into slices that are not too thick.

ua li cas

Hauv lub lauj kaub loj, brown the minced garlic clove with 3 tablespoons of oil. Then add the zucchini, add salt and cook for about ten minutes, adding a little water if necessary. As soon as they are completely cooked, turn off.

ua li cas

Bring plenty of salted water to a boil and cook the pasta.

ua li cas

Nyob rau hauv lub meantime, transfer the zucchini and their cooking juices to a blender. Add the mint, all the other aromas, washed and dried, the Parmesan and blend until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream. Taste and adjust with salt, oil and pepper as needed. Extend the pesto with a few tablespoons of cooking water until it reaches a fluid and full-bodied consistency.

ua li cas

As soon as the pasta is cooked, drain it and season it with the zucchini and mint pesto. Serve this vegetarian first course very hot.

Daim ntawv qhia Xyuas

Muaj cov kev xyuas rau qhov no daim ntawv qhia tsis tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau koj rov los saib
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Ntxiv Koj Saib

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