400 g Chicken Payudara
130 g breadcrumbs
30 g Pecorino Keju
50 g Tambahan Virgin Olive Oil
2 g parsley
kanggo rasa Salt
kanggo rasa Mrico ireng
kanggo rasa Lemonoptional
kanggo rasa Mintoptional
Italia Messina Chicken Payudara cutlet iku panganan liya sedhep, sampurna kanggo nedha bengi, lan versi cahya dibandhingake siji breaded lan goreng.
Kanggo preparation iki, nyatane, sanadyan ing butter utawa endhog wis digunakake lan sawise gadhah dipped ing breadcrumbs, cutlet wis masak ing Panggangan. Asil punika irisan alus saka pitik susu (utawa yen seneng daging sapi) karo nutupi asri, roso karo parsley.
Ing ngarsane saka keju Pecorino menehi rasa kuwat kanggo breading lan kanggo menehi cathetan seger sampeyan bisa nambah godhong mint. Utawa sampeyan bisa enrich breading karo capers minced.
Start from the meat. If you use the chicken breast, carefully remove the whole breast from the fat parts and the central bone. Then, using a sharp knife, make slices of about 1 centimeter. Then beat with the appropriate meat mallet to soften the meat and reduce its thickness. Then transfer the slices of meat on a plate, brush them with oil on both sides and put them aside while continuing to prepare. If you prefer, you can use beef, choosing the most tender slices such as those of round steak , rump or brisket according to your tastes. |
Then proceed to prepare the breading: wash the tuft of fresh parsley. Dry it and finely chop the leaves with a knife or a mincing knife. Ing Bowl gedhe, put the breadcrumbs and add the chopped parsley. If you like, you can also add a few leaves of chopped fresh mint. Then add the grated pecorino cheese to the mixture. |
To flavor the breading, add salt and black pepper and mix everything. Now you can resume the meat put aside and put it into the breadcrumbs slice by slice, pressing well with your hands to make the mixture adhere. |
Heat the grill well over medium heat and cook the meat for 10-15 menit, turning it a couple of times halfway through until the slices of meat are well grilled on both sides. If you prefer, you can cook the cutlet in a preheated oven at 190 ° kanggo bab 15 menit (if ventilated oven 170° for about 10 menit). |
The Italian Messina Chicken Breast cutlet will then be ready to be served very hot. You can grate the untreated lemon peel and squeeze the juice before serving, accompanied with a salad, crisp vegetables or baked potatoes to your taste! |