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Chops daging babi karo Cream Pumpkin lan Taleggio Keju

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Chops daging babi karo Cream Pumpkin lan Taleggio Keju

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nyetel servings:
600 g (4 Daging Babi) Daging Babi
200 g Keju Taleggio
3 g Sage
3 g Rosemary
15 g Aku Sauce
1 jiwit Salt
40 g Tambahan Virgin Olive Oil
2 sprig thyme
For Pumpkin Cream
500 g Pumpkin
100 g kentang
500 ml Sayur-sayuran Duduh kaldu
40 g trikatuka
1 jiwit Salt
30 g Tambahan Virgin Olive Oil
1 jiwit Cinnamon Powder
1 jiwit Mrico ireng
1 jiwit nutmeg

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A coloured and tasty second dish

  • 80
  • Nglayani 4
  • Gampang


  • For Pumpkin Cream



Autumn ndadekke kanggo meja anget lan werna nengsemake, kayata waluh, kang karo legi tartamtu sawijining dadi bahan sampurna kanggo krim sing menehi rasa asli kanggo pasugatan. Yen sampeyan planning nedha awan utawa nedha bengi karo kanca-kanca lan pengin nggumunake wong karo ngundang lan sedhep sajian liya, Aku duwe solusi kanggo kowe: daging babi chops karo krim waluh lan keju taleggio! Ing krim waluh velvety, roso karo nutmeg, kayu legi lan tutul saka kecap asin, chops sing glethakaken, tender mukti lan roso karo teluk rwaning lan Rosemary, kabeh digawe malah tastier dening taleggio stringy. A kombinasi roso sing menehi urip kanggo kesenengan nyata kanggo roso … kanca ora langsung pengin nemokake rahasia saka dadi luwih kaluhuran!



To prepare the pork chops with pumpkin cream and taleggio cheese, first prepare the vegetable broth, which will be used to prepare the pumpkin cream. Dedicate then to the pumpkin cream: cut the pumpkin into slices, remove the outer peel, remove the seeds, then reduce the pulp first to strips and then into cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes too.


Then take the onion, clean it and chop it finely, transfer it to a pan with the oil and brown them on a gentle flame.


Once the onion has browned, add the pumpkin to the pan along with the potatoes. Add a few ladles of vegetable broth until you cover the vegetables.
Season with salt and pepper and cook over low heat for 25-30 menit, adding some vegetable broth occasionally.


Sawise sayuran wis masak, turn off the heat and start blending with an immersion mixer until a smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained. Add a sprinkling of nutmeg and cinnamon and mix everything; at this point your pumpkin cream is ready, so put it aside.


Take the pork chops and beat them with the meat until they are about 1 cm nglukis, then chop the sage and rosemary and put them in a non-stick pan with a little oil. Put the pork chops in the pan, season with salt and pepper and let them brown on both sides, turning them occasionally with a pincer so that they cook on both sides. Sawise masak, remove them from the pan and keep them warm.


In the same pot where we cooked the pork chops pour the previously prepared pumpkin cream, add the soy sauce and mix well. Add the chops, cook with the pumpkin cream, then cut the taleggio into slices and place one on each chop. Cook kanggo 1-2 minutes so that the taleggio is melted, sprinkle with thyme leaves, mix well and your pork chops with pumpkin cream and taleggio are ready to be served!

For this recipe, choose not too fat pork chops, given the caloric consistency of the other ingredients, and to keep them tender do not cook for more than 10 minutes total. You can replace Taleggio Cheese with another type of cream cheese like Brie

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