
Спагетти Amatriciana Паста

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Спагетти Amatriciana Паста

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Бетбелгі осы рецепт

Саған керек кіру немесе тіркеу бетбелгі / таңдаулы осы мазмұн үшін.

  • жылдам
  • 35
  • қызмет етеді 4
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аймақтық тағамдар жиі итальяндықтардың арасында даудың себептері, олар кәсіби аспазшылар немесе әуесқой аспазшылар болып табылады ма, және Spaghetti Amatriciana да ерекшелік емес! Букатини немесе спагетти, guanciale or bacon, garlic or onionthese are questions that anyone who is preparing to cook before this recipe finds himself having to face. It is said that this famous dish was born in Amatrice and was the main shepherds dish, but originally was without tomato and took the name ofgricia”; this ingredient is added later when tomatoes are imported from the Americas and the condiment took the Amatriciana name. It is therefore normal that such an ancient and popular recipe has been transformed over time by taking on the many variations that are still discussed today.



To prepare spaghetti amatriciana, first boil the salted water to cook the pasta.


You can then dedicate yourself to the sauce: take the Guanciale (шошқаның щегі), remove the rind and cut it into slices about 1 см қалыңдығы; reduce the slices into strips of about half a cm.


At this point heat a little oil in a pan, possibly of steel, and add the whole chili pepper and the guanciale cut into strips; sauté over low heat for 7-8 minutes until the fat has become transparent and the meat is crisp; mix often taking care not to burn it. When the fat has melted, blend with the white wine, raise the heat and let it evaporate.


When the alcohol has evaporated, transfer the strips of pork cheek to a plate and keep aside, pour the peeled tomatoes into the same pan, remove the petiole and fray them with your hands directly inside the pan. Continue cooking of the sauce for about 10 минут.


At this point the water in the pan will come to a boil, then pour the spaghetti and cook al dente.


Тап сол кезде, season with salt, remove the pepper from the sauce, add the strips of pork cheek to the pan and stir to mix.


Once the spaghetti is cooked, drain it and add it directly to the pan with the sauce. Quickly sauté the pasta with the sauce to mix well with the sauce, if you like pasta al dente you can turn off the heat otherwise pour a little water from the pasta to continue cooking. Finally sprinkle with grated Pecorino. Your spaghetti Amatriciana are ready to be served!

In case you do not have the guanciale available, you can use the bacon and if you prefer you can use the Bucatini instead of spaghetti.

Recipe Пікірлер

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Итальяндық Мессина Тауық Төс грудинка
Макарон Спагетти Карбонара
Итальяндық Мессина Тауық Төс грудинка

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