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  • Creamy taub dag Spaghetti (Nplej zom) Ntses uas Crispy Guanciale(Nqaij npuas kib)

Creamy taub dag Spaghetti (Nplej zom) Ntses uas Crispy Guanciale(Nqaij npuas kib)

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Creamy taub dag Spaghetti (Nplej zom) Ntses uas Crispy Guanciale(Nqaij npuas kib)

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Cov khoom xyaw

Kho ntawd qhov:
480 g Spaghetti
300 g taub dag
200 g Guanciale (nqaij npuas)
250 ml kua tshiab cream
50 g grated Parmesan cheese
1 little glass Dej
saj Ntsev

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Cov khoom xyaw


Qhia tawm

Pumpkin caij! Raws li Italians zoo npaj ib phaj cua ntawm spaghetti ( los cov nplej zom), enriched nrog cov crispy Guanciale (los yog nqaij npuas kib), savory ntawm tus taw tes yog dab cov tsos ntawm cov taub dag tej: zoo meej thaum lawv tseem!


Ua li cas

Clean the pumpkin: remove the skin and seeds inside, then cut the pulp into cubes.

Ua li cas

Put it in a pan to lighty fry over low heat with a small glass of water and the lid.
Time about ten minutes and it will be very soft, add salt and crush with a fork, add the fresh liquid cream and bring to a boil for two or three minutes, then turn off, combine the Parmesan, mix and frull everything directly in the pan with a mixer immersion.

Ua li cas

Put the pan with the water for the pasta on the stove with a light handful of coarse salt. When it bubble put spaghetti.

Ua li cas

Nyob hauv lub meantime, sauté the thinly sliced ​​guanciale (los yog nqaij npuas kib) in a non-stick frying pan, DO NOT add oil! The Guanciale get brown in its own fat which becomes transparent when melts. Keep the flame sweet otherwise it burns, instead it must become very crisp; as soon as it is ready, turn it off and keep it aside.

Ua li cas

Drain the spaghetti al dente, directly in the pan with the cream of pumpkin using a fork, light the flame and mix them again carefully mixing them to make them creamy, add the crispy bacon, mix quickly and plate!

If you do not have the guanciale you can also use bacon.

Daim ntawv qhia kev

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