Neeg txhais lus

Kua zaub pearl barley

0 0
Kua zaub pearl barley

Muab nws qhia rau koj kev network:

Los koj yuav cia li luam cia thiab muab qhov url

Cov khoom xyaw

Kho ntawd qhov:
150 g Pearl Barley
1 Zaub ntug hauv paus
1 nyas Zaub kav
1 Dos
1 Qos yaj ywm
2 nplooj ntoo laurel
4 strands yuav txhoov xim
q.s.. Txob
q.s.. Ntsev
40 g Butter
2 tablespoons Xyuas kom nkauj xwb tus txiv roj roj
1 l nqaij nyug Broth

Bookmark no daim ntawv qhia

Koj yuav tau ID nkag mus los sis rau npe bookmark/nyiam cov no mus.

  • Gluten dawb
  • Healty
  • Teeb
  • Vegan
  • Neeg tsis noj nqaij
  • 55
  • Pab raws li cov 4
  • Yooj yim

Cov khoom xyaw


Qhia tawm

Pearl barley kua zaub yog ib tug raug thiab ancient tais trentino Alto Adige, npaj pearl barley thiab zaub phiajcim ntsuas me me.


Ua li cas

Npaj lub barley kua zaub pib ntxuav cov zaub (Dos, carrots, celery, qos yajywm) thiab txiav lawv mus rau hauv squares me me.

Ua li cas

Muab cov butter nyob rau hauv ib lub yias thiab thaum nws tseem melted ntxiv cov dos thiab cia nws qhuav.

Ua li cas

Kuj toss lub carrot thiab celery hauv lub yias thiab kib rau 5 feeb.

Ua li cas

Ntxiv lub pearl barley, koj ntxuav hauv dej khiav thiab drained. Ntxiv 3 los sis 4 ladles nqaij nyug broth rau lub barley. Ces ntxiv cov bay yoojyim thiab ua noj cov kua zaub kom txog rau thaum lub barley yog siav, kev saib xyuas ntxiv thaum xav tau ib co broth kub.

Ua li cas

10 feeb ua ntej qhov kawg ntawm kev ua noj ntxiv cov qos yaj ywm diced qos yaj ywm.

Ua li cas

Thaum siav, xu siab sab nraud, hwj txob, ntxiv cov chives txhoov, nkauj xwb roj roj thiab lub caij uas ntsev.

Ua li cas

Pab tam sim ntawd nrog grated Parmesan Cheese rau saum rooj!

Daim ntawv qhia kev

Muaj tseem tsis muaj kev rau no daim ntawv qhia tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau ntawv rau koj tau saib
yav dhau los
Qe nqaij fryed nrog Provola Cheese
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Classic Italian Milane Risotto - Risottoto nrog Saffron
tom ntej
Italian Milanese Risotto (Saffron Risotto)
yav dhau los
Qe nqaij fryed nrog Provola Cheese
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Classic Italian Milane Risotto - Risottoto nrog Saffron
tom ntej
Italian Milanese Risotto (Saffron Risotto)

Ntxiv koj saib

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