Neeg txhais lus

Zucchini Qe nplej

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Zucchini Qe nplej

Muab nws qhia rau koj kev network:

Los koj yuav cia li luam cia thiab muab qhov url

Bookmark no daim ntawv qhia

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  • Neeg tsis noj nqaij
  • 35
  • Pab raws li cov 4
  • Yooj yim

Cov khoom xyaw


Qhia tawm

Fried mov yog ib lub cev npaj uas yog yooj yim heev ua. Nws yog ib daim ntawv qhia uas muaj raws li tus txheej txheem uas yuav tau enriched nrog cov khoom xyaw khoom xyaw raws li lawv qab. Lub ntsiab theem yog xim av cov mov siav nyob rau hauv noob hnav roj, noob, rwj. Koj muaj peevxwm ua mov los ntxuav los sis thoob dej, qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog tias thaum twg koj ntxiv rau lub yias, khaub thuas, Tej zaum ho siv ob peb teev hauv lub tub txias txias. Qhov no yuav xyuas kom meej tias, tsaug qhov kub hloov, mov tshua zoo grained, Theej crunchy thiab thiaj li pheej yig heev. Koj yuav tsum xum nplej ntev dua ib yam li basmati ntaus, tab sis koj tsuas siv mov dawb los ntawm lwm yam kev npaj. Koj kuj tseem yuav customize daim ntawv qhia siv lwm hom zaub xws li tej tsiaj nyeg, nceb thiab zaub cob pob florets thiab nplua nuj nrog nqaij, minced los sis hlais rau tej daim me me, qaib, nqaij nyuj, nqaij npuas.


Ua li cas

Ua mov nplej los yog thoob dej unsalted dej. Muab nws zoo heev, Cia txias thiab muab tso rau hauv lub fridge rau tsawg kawg yog ib teev.

Ua li cas

Ntxuav lub thoob thiab zucchini, Peel thawj thiab txiav lawv ob leeg rau hauv sticks. Peel cov ntsuab thiab txiav lawv rau hauv rounds. Nyob rau hauv ib lub yias tsis-pas los yog wok, Tshav kub kub noob roj zoo heev, Ntxiv cov zaub thiab stir-fry lawv rau ob peb feeb.

Ua li cas

Ntxiv cov mov thiab kib 3/4 feeb, nplawm puav.

Ua li cas

Meanwhile, tuav lub qe, ntxiv rau cov mov thiab do sai sai.

Ua li cas

Tag nrho cov kua ntses thiab grated ginger.

Ua li cas

Pab nrog nws cov lus los txhoov parsley saj thiab sprouts.

Daim ntawv qhia kev

Muaj tseem tsis muaj kev rau no daim ntawv qhia tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau ntawv rau koj tau saib
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Classic Italian Milane Risotto - Risottoto nrog Saffron
yav dhau los
Italian Milanese Risotto (Saffron Risotto)
tom ntej
Spaghetti Pasta Carbonara
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Classic Italian Milane Risotto - Risottoto nrog Saffron
yav dhau los
Italian Milanese Risotto (Saffron Risotto)
tom ntej
Spaghetti Pasta Carbonara

Ntxiv koj saib

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