
Pastel ngo̲ ar pavo Ricotta

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Pastel ngo̲ ar pavo Ricotta

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Raciones ar za:
800 g Ha̲i Turquía
700 g Ricota
70 g Queso parmesano
2 Huevos
80 g Migas 'nar thuhme
1 penacho ar Perejil
1 branch Romero
200 g Thin Slices Bacon
30 g Mantequilla
ya ar johya Nuez moscada
ya ar johya Sal
ya ar johya Pimienta negra

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  • 85
  • Mahyoni 6
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Ar Uthuhme ngo̲ ar pavo ne ar ricotta ge 'nar segundo mohi ar ngo̲ na nku̲hi ne ya delicado jar xkagentho ar pa. Nä'ä ’ s hño tanto mpa komongu ar tse̲ ne ko 'Nangu̲di k'ani ne patatas brillante soluciona 'nar almuerzo wa cena. Ar ngo̲ ar Uthuhme ya 'mui 'nar mohi decididamente versátil, ne bí xi hoki ko xingu ya ingredientes Bu̲i: ngo̲, da̲Jwä, k'ani, quesos wa leguminosas ja ya mäs variadas combinaciones.
Nuna ar receta jar dá ofrecemos ko ar ngo̲ ar pavo picada, ricotta (vaca wa ya oveja jar ar johya) bí thogi hontho za̲tho ne delicado ne 'nar paquete rebanadas tocino. Pa 'nar sabor mäs decisivo, Nuna ngäts'i ar to da hñäki guto ya xkagentho yá 'bede ya speck.



To make the turkey and ricotta meatloaf, add the ground turkey meat, the ricotta cheese, the parmesan, the breadcrumbs, the lightly beaten eggs, the minced parsley, the nutmeg, the salt and the black pepper in a large bowl. Mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.


Form the meatloaf and wrap it in the transparent film to help you shape it. Leave it to rest in the refrigerator for 10 ya t'olo ora.


'Me̲fa nuna ar pa, take back the meatloaf, remove it from the film and wrap it with the slices of bacon slightly overlapping one on top of the other.


Sprinkle with rosemary, other ground pepper and a few small pieces of butter.


Then transfer it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake it in a preheated oven at 200 ° pa 1 Ar ora.


'Me̲fa nuna ar pa, take out the turkey and ricotta meatloaf, let it rest for at least 10 minutes and serve it cut into slices on a serving dish.

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