
Arros frito calabacín t'axi

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Arros frito calabacín t'axi

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Raciones ar za:
320 g Arros
3 Huevos
2 De̲nxi Verde
2 Zanahoria
2 Calabacín
ya ar johya Brotes frijol
ya ar johya Asete oliva extra virgen
ya ar johya Jengibre
ya ar johya Perejil

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Ya 'befi:
  • Vegetariano
  • 35
  • Mahyoni 4
  • Hei




Arros frito ge 'nar nt'ot'e típica oriental ke ar na sencilla ar gi 'yo̲t'e. Ge 'nar receta pe̲ts'i ngu ingrediente base Arros to da enriquecido ko numerosos ingredientes nä'ä mä yá gustos. Ar fase ar principal xí dorar ar Arros asete sésamo, wa semillas, punto ebullición. You can cook the rice by steaming or boiling in water, nä'ä mahyoni ar nu'bu̲ bí agrega ar cacerola, xí na ntse̲, posiblemente bí thogi 'ra ya ora ja ar refrigerador. 'Me̲hna asegurará nä'ä, Jamädi cambio mpat'i, ar Arros queda xi hño grano, ir particularmente na nku̲hi ne algo crujiente. You must prefer a long bean rice like basmati type, Pero simplemente to zu̲di Arros nt'axi ma 'ra ya preparaciones. 'Nehe tsa̲ da personalizar ar receta usando ma 'ra xingu ya k'ani komongu ar guisantes, champiñones ne brócoli ne enriquecer dá ko ngo̲, picada wa cortadas trozos t'olo, ar pollo, ternera wa ya boi, ko dados ngo̲tho wa ko gambas.



Cook the rice by steaming or boiling in unsalted water. Drain it very well, let it cool and put it in the fridge for at least an hour.


Wash the carrot and zucchini, peel the first and cut them both into sticks. Peel the green onions and cut them into rounds. In a non-stick pan or wok, heat the sesame seed oil very well, add the vegetables and stir-fry them for a few minutes.


Add the rice and fry for 3/4 ya t'olo ora, agitando ar xähmä da nu'bu̲.


Mente tanto, beat the eggs, add them to the rice and stir quickly.


Complete with soy sauce and grated ginger.


Serve hot accompanied by chopped parsley to taste and sprouts.

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