130ز مکڻ
130ز خام کنڊ
130ز 00 اٽو
130ز بادام جو اٽو
100ز اميريٽي بسڪيٽ
200ز Hazelnut چاکليٽ ڪريم
سينگار ڪرڻ
Icing ڪوئٽه
تڪڙا amaretti ۽ چاڪليٽ رھجي وڃو جي رشيد اوھان کي تڪڙو ۽ آساني سان هڪ مٺي شيرين ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي, جي year.This ڪيڪ جي ڪنهن به وقت هڪ سنڳر طور يا رات جي ماني کان پوء مثالي مشهور Sbrisolona جي وحي آهي, Mantuan اصليت جو هڪ شيرين اڇو اٽو سان تيار, منجهس اٽو ۽ بادام, ۽ Fregolotta, اصل ۾ Treviso علائقي مان هڪ سڪل ڳوٺاڻي ڪيڪ. مزيدار desserts, هڪ crumbly consistency سان ۽ ڊگهي ھميشه.
مڪمل ٿيو
In the bowl of the planetary mixer sift together flour and almond flour, add the cubed butter and the sugar. Knead with the leaf whisk until you get a homogeneous but rather grainy look. Then add the coarsely crumbled amaretti and mix with a spatula. |
مڪمل ٿيو
Place half of the dough on the bottom of a pastry ring, or in a hinged mould, 18-20 قطر ۾ سي. Level with the back of a spoon, without pressing too much. |
مڪمل ٿيو
Evenly spread the hazelnut chocolate cream on the base of the cake, using a spoon or a pastry bag, and then cover with the remaining dough. |
مڪمل ٿيو
Transfer to a preheated oven at 180 ° and cook for about 35 minutes or until the cake has turned a golden color. |
مڪمل ٿيو
Turn out and let cool completely on a wire rack. Decorate the crumbled with a sprinkling of icing sugar. |