
بيف مرچ

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بيف مرچ

توهان جي سماجي نيٽ ورڪ تي ان کي مشهور ڪريو:

يا توهان صرف نسخي ۽ هن URL شيئر ڪري سگھو ٿا


Servings جي پورائي:
800 ز زمين د
700 ز ڪاري ڀاڄيون
250 ز ڳاڙها مرچ
500 ز ٽماٽي جي ڄٽڻي
500 ز بيف برٿ
160 ز بصر
100 ز ڳاڙهو پياز
3 سلائسس ٿوم
1 مرچ مرچ
1 چمچ زيرين پاؤڊر
1 چمچ ڪڻڪ پاؤڊر
1 چمچ خام کنڊ
30 ز بريفنگ ڏيندي ورجن زيتون جو تيل
2 teaspoons لوڻ
1 teaspoon ڪارا مرچ
To decorate
چکڻ ڌاڻن جا پن

سنڌ هن رشيد

توهان کي ضرورت آهي لاگ ان يا مفت سنڌ / پسنديده هن مواد کي.

  • 135
  • ڏي 4
  • آسان


  • To decorate


کي مشهور ڪريو

ڪڏهن به نه چئو ته بيف مرچ هڪ ميڪسيڪو ڊش آهي, يا گهٽ ۾ گهٽ اهو نه چئو ته Texan جي سامهون! هن سوادج اسٽو لاء ترڪيب, حقيقت ۾, belongs by right to the tradition of the South of the United States and originally it mainly provided meat and chilli, just as the name says. تنهن هوندي به, nowadays it is very common to taste beef chili enriched with beans, peppers and tomatoes and for this reason it is commonly considered a dish of Tex-Mex cuisine. We have chosen to offer you this variant, appreciated all over the world for the ease of preparation, the strong taste and its great versatility! You can serve beef chili with white rice, tortillas and avocado for a Mexican-style dinner, or with cheddar, French fries and sour cream as Americans like it, or even as a filling for the most classic burritoin any case we are sure that you will love it!


مڪمل ٿيو

To make beef chili, first prepare about 500 g of meat broth.

مڪمل ٿيو

Switch to the preparation of the ingredients: cut the garlic cloves, red onion and white onion into thin slices. Chop the chilli pepper and cut the pepper into chunks.

مڪمل ٿيو

Heat half the oil in a saucepan (possibly cast iron), add the minced meat and brown it over medium-high heat, mixing well.

مڪمل ٿيو

Season with a teaspoon of salt, blend with a ladle of broth and continue to brown for about ten minutes, then transfer the meat to a bowl and set aside.

مڪمل ٿيو

In the same saucepan, pour the remaining oil and add the chilli, garlic and onions. Also add the peppers and season with a teaspoon of salt, pepper and raw cane sugar. Also add the cumin and coriander powder, blend with a ladle of broth and cook over medium-high heat for 10 منٽ.

مڪمل ٿيو

هن نقطي تي, add the previously browned ground beef. Pour the tomato sauce and almost all the remaining broth, cover with the lid and cook over medium-low heat for 60 منٽ, stirring occasionally and checking that it does not dry out too much; in this case stretch with a little broth.

مڪمل ٿيو

هن وقت کان پوء, add the beans with their storage liquid, cover again with the lid and cook for another 40 منٽ, always on medium-low heat.

مڪمل ٿيو

هڪ ڀيرو تيار, remove the saucepan from the stove and let it rest for about ten minutes.

مڪمل ٿيو

Garnish with a few coriander leaves and serve your beef chili while still hot!

رشيد نظريه

هن رشيد جي لاء ڪو به نظريو موجود نه آهي, هيٺ هڪ فارم استعمال ڪري توهان جي نظر ثاني ڪرڻ لاء
ترڪيبون چونڊ - Shrimps Linguine بيسڻ
Shrimps Linguine بيسڻ
ترڪيبون چونڊ - ويگن Brownies
ويگن چاڪليٽ Brownies
ترڪيبون چونڊ - Shrimps Linguine بيسڻ
Shrimps Linguine بيسڻ
ترڪيبون چونڊ - ويگن Brownies
ويگن چاڪليٽ Brownies

توهان جو تبصرو شامل ڪريو

سائيٽ موضوع جو آزمائشي ورزن استعمال ڪري رهي آهي. مھرباني ڪري پنھنجي خريداري ڪوڊ داخل ڪريو موضوع سيٽنگون ۾ ان کي چالو ڪرڻ لاء يا هي ورڈپریس تھیم خريد ڪريو هتي