Waxyaabaha ay ka kooban
400 g baastada
200 g Salmon
35 g Shallot
40 g Vodka
150 g Tamaandho cherry
200 g Liquid Fresh Cream
2 g Chive
40 g Dheeraad ah Virgin Olive Oil
si ay dhadhan Salt
si ay dhadhan Black Pepper
Baastada leh salmon iyo vodka waa mid ka mid ah siyaabaha ugu dhadhanka badan ee dib loogu booqdo qadiimiga weyn ee jikada '70s . Dhab ahaan, sanadahaas, this pasta recipe raged in kitchens around the world thanks to its exotic flavor and fast preparation times. Mindful of the legendary Seventy, the pasta with salmon and vodka sauce is less in vogue than once, given the presence of cream, but anyone who wants to immerse themselves in a historic dish can not miss the opportunity to try. Pasta with salmon and vodka is an appetizing choice to bring to the table a simple and tasty first course, especially for salmon lovers who like to take advantage of this versatile ingredient from appetizers to main courses!
To prepare the pasta with salmon and vodka, the first thing to do is to wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them, then wash and cut the chives, and after mashing the shallot, chop it with a knife and pour it into a saucepan and leave it to flavour in the extra virgin olive oil for a few moments. |
Dhanka kale, cut the salmon into strips and sauté in the pan with the oil and the shallot. |
Blend with the vodka paying close attention to the possible return flare (in case the flame should rise, do not worry because it will extinguish as soon as the alcohol has evaporated completely). |
Add the chopped tomatoes and add salt and pepper, if you like it, and finally add the liquid fresh cream and chopped chives. |
While the sauce continues cooking, go to the pasta, then as soon as the water is boiling, put the pasta and cook it al dente. |
Then drain it, even coarsely if the sauce has reduced too much and pour the pasta into the sauce and cook for a few seconds so as to leave them to flavor. |
At this point the pasta with salmon and vodka is ready, you just have to serve it immediately still very hot. |