
Всього Пшеничний Цукіні Хліб

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Всього Пшеничний Цукіні Хліб

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відрегулювати Порції:
300 г 0 Борошно
150 г Пшеничне борошно
130 мл води
150 мл Цільне молоко
2 цукіні
20 г сіль
30 мл оливкова олія
1 саше Пивні дріжджі

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  • 70
  • подачі 6
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Весь кабачки пшениці хліб буде дуже смачно, Зокрема, і буде відмінною альтернативою класичного домашнього хліба.

В цьому випадку, насправді, підставу тісто збагачується наявністю тонко нарізаних кабачків, які прекрасно поєднуються з рештою тестом і дати життя дійсно відмінний результат, ароматний, але перш за все смачно і оригінально.

Давайте подивимося, потім, how to prepare an excellent whole wheat zucchini bread and some useful tips to get a great result and win over our guests with a genuine and delicious product.



To begin the preparation of whole wheat zucchini bread you must first mix together milk, water and brewer's yeast.
Both milk and water must be at room temperature or slightly warmed by passing them for a few seconds to microwave. It is important, проте, that the two ingredients are not too hot because otherwise they would risk burning the leavening action of the yeast.
To these three ingredients add also about 80 g of flour 0, taken from the total, and mix everything. The mixture thus obtained will be left to rise for about 45 minutes or until it has doubled its initial volume. In this way you will have created the dough that will form the basis of your zucchini bread


Тим часом, dedicate yourself to zucchini. These, насправді, will be deprived of the two ends, washed and dried carefully and then grated using a grater with large holes. Sprinkle the zucchini with salt and let it rest for 30-45 minutes and then squeeze it carefully so that the excess vegetation liquid is lost.


At this point resume your leavened dough and add little by little all the other ingredients, including the well-squeezed zucchini. Mix everything well until you have obtained a ball of very elastic and compact dough. The amount of flour could vary depending on the consistency of the zucchini. Насправді, if these still contain some liquid it may be necessary to add some other flour. It is important, проте, that the result is a ball of elastic and compact dough, especially not more sticky.


The dough should be placed inside a bowl, covered with a rag and a transparent film and placed in the oven off but with light on for about two hours so that it can leaven.


When it has doubled its initial volume, you can put it on a pastry board, give the shape you want and let it rise in the oven at night, but with the light on for about 40 хвилин.

Alternatively you can lay your dough directly into a plumcake mold, previously sprinkled with oil, and then in this case it will take only two hours of levitation.


The whole wheat zucchini bread is then ready to be placed in preheated oven at 220 °C приблизно 40-45 minutes or until your bread will be well browned on the surface.


Після готовності, the bread will be baked, left aside to cool and then served to your guests.

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