Italian man with passion for cooking
I’m Mauro, I’m a 36 year and I’m Italian. My passion for cooking was born a long time ago. I start to cook my first plat when I was only 12.
At this period I was, we say in Italy, “good fork“ and my mother didn’t want to cook for me a special soup that I liked very much at the time. So I started trying to cook it myself. The first time, the second time … at the third time I succeed. This passion has led me to always experiment with new things. I like experimenting in the kitchen, but I also love traditional dishes.
Hence, ushbu sayt g'oyasi. Avvalo dunyoda retseptlar va italyan oshpazliklarini olib keling. Va haftadan haftaga qo'lma-qo'l bo'lib, har doim mening madaniyatimning yangi taomlarini joylashtiring va nima uchun bunday emas, hatto boshqa mamlakatlardan kimdir. Shuningdek, men boshqa madaniyatlarning taomlari bilan tajriba o'tkazishni yaxshi ko'raman, turli etnik kelib chiqishi bo'lgan odamlar bilan aloqada bo'lish, meni ko'pincha o'z mamlakatlarining odatdagi taomlarini tatib ko'rishga majbur qiladi.
Men aralashishni yaxshi ko'raman va shu turdagi idishlarni pishirishga harakat qilaman, to be always updated and always experiment new and tasty things for others, but also for me, that I have remained a “good fork“ ;)
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Recipes Selected is a site powered by Mauro Neroni
Mauro Neroni | Via U. Foscolo, 63074 San Benedetto Del Tronto (AP) |