
bola de massa fregida

bola de massa fregida

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ajust Porcions:
35g llard
500g 0 farina
5g sucre
15g sal
125g aigua
100g Llet sencera
12g Llevat instantani
Per fregir
Oli de llavors

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  • serveix 5
  • Hard


  • Per fregir



El gnocco fregit pertanyen a la cuina tradicional emiliana. La recepta original per gnocco fregit requereix fregir en mantega de porc, però avui dia es prefereix l'ús d'oli com una alternativa. El gnocco fregit és una recepta molt fàcil de preparar, només cal tenir una mica de paciència per pastar els ingredients junts: farina, aigua, llet, mantega i llevat. Es pot gaudir calenta, Un cop fregides i lleugerament escalfat, acompanyat d'embotits. Amb el pas del temps, la bola de massa fregida ha pres diferents noms, la seva bondat ha romàs intacta!



To prepare the fried gnocco, first mix the water with the milk.


In a bowl pour the flour, instant yeast, sugar and salt. Mix the powders and then incorporate the lard. Mix with your hands and pour in the milk and water mixture.


Once the powders have absorbed the liquids, transfer the mixture to a floured pastry board. Form a compact and dry dough, place it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, let the dough rest for at least an hour for a maximum of 12 hores, in a cool place.


Després d'aquest temps, resume the dough, lightly sprinkle the pastry board and divide into blocks with a knife. Take a single loaf (cover the rest with the bowl), roll the dough with a rolling pin until you get a very thin sheet, no more than a couple of millimeters. Trim the edge of the dough with a wavy dough cutter. Then cut out 8x7 cm parallelograms. In doing so you should get about 50 peces. Don't throw away the clippings, but knead them again.


Once cut, cook them in hot seeds oil at 170 aproximadament 1 minut, no more than 3-4 pieces at a time. Once golden, the first part turns and continues on to the other. Drain on absorbent paper and continue with all the others. Your fried dumpling is ready, enjoy it hot!

You can accompany the fried gnocchi with mixed cold cuts. You can use them as an appetizer or to accompany your dinner.

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