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Sohan Papdi se Patisa – Na Diwali dravuisiga

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Sohan Papdi se Patisa – Na Diwali dravuisiga

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Moica na Servings:
125 lako 00 Sara na kena valawa
90 lako Chickpeas na valawa
3 tablespoon Kena Levu in alternative Multi-Flower Honey
400 lako Suka
100 lako Wai
315 lako Gi (Vakamatatataka na Bata)
2 berries Drokadroka Kaamom we will use the seeds
10 Almonds
10 Pistachios

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  • Healty
  • Rarama
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • 45
  • Veiqaravi 4
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Nikua eda vakanamata vakatabakidua ena icakacaka ni Sohan Papdi (a kacivi talega me patisa, papri tagane, soan papdi se shonpapri), e dua na vanua dravuisiga e tiko kina e dua na ivakarau ni cubic kei na kena e malumu, ka sa vakarautaki vakavinaka tu ena gauna oqo ena maliwa ni mua ni Okotova kei na itekivu ni Noveba, ni gauna e Diwali kina, na soqo yaloyalo ni cina, e dau marautaki e Idia.

Ena teveli e marautaki kina na soqo yaloyalo oqo ena ivakalomavinaka dodonu ka yavutaki ena dovu, sara na kena valawa, chickpea ni valawa, ghi (na bata ni idia), sucu kei na minced cardamom sorena, ka vakakina e dua na veiwaki vinaka ni vuanikau ca; na icakacaka ni Sohan Papdi e sega ni veiveisau, kei na kena e dredre duadua me baleta na kena tiko na keke (ka na vakatau ena kena cakacakataki na dovu kei na ivakarau ni veimataqali compounds), e fluffy ka malumu. Na flavor, ena ligana ka dua, nanuma lesu na toffee kei na hazelnuts, ena tara ni sipaisi e solia e dua na aftertaste kamica dina.

Na ikalawa


Imatai ni, sift both flours, slowly adding them to 2/3 of clarified butter, to be placed in a saucepan to be heated on the stove; in the process we continue to turn with a spoon to avoid the formation of lumps. When the mixture reaches the boiling point, we can add the previously chopped cardamom seeds, continuing to mix with a spoon until everything reaches a caramel color.


Meanwhile, put the remaining part of clarified butter, sugar and water in a non-stick pan, bringing this mixture to a boil and then pouring the spoons of honey or glucose into it; here too, we continue to mix to bring it to the caramel color, then remove from the heat and, always stirring with a spoon, wait for it to reach the desired consistency.


Now let's go and combine the two compounds, making sure to incorporate the sugar well, which will have to spin, and to absorb the flour mix well;


everything will be poured on a sheet of baking paper, which we will cover with another sheet to create the shape of a rectangle, helping us with a rolling pin to compact the cake.


Now we can cover the top with the almonds and pistachios, chopped according to our taste, and with the knife make a grid to mark the "veitikina" of Soan Papdi.


We will wait about half an hour for the mixture to cool and harden, and then we can already serve our dessert on the table and enjoy it.

Na ivolalailai ni icakacaka railesu

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