35g Lard
500g 0 fariña
5g azucre
15g sal
125g auga
100g Leite enteiro
12g Levedura instantánea
para Fry
Aceite de semente
O gnocco frito pertencen á cociña tradicional Emilian. A receita orixinal para gnocco frito require fritir baña, pero hoxe Preferimos o uso de aceite como unha alternativa. O gnocco frito é unha receita moi fácil de preparar, só ten que ter un pouco de paciencia para amasar os ingredientes xuntos: fariña, auga, leite, baña e leveduras. Pode ser apreciado quente, xa frito e levemente Calefacción, acompañada con fríos. Co pasar do tempo, o bolinha frito asumiu nomes diferentes, seu ben mantivo-se intacto!
To prepare the fried gnocco, first mix the water with the milk. |
In a bowl pour the flour, instant yeast, sugar and salt. Mix the powders and then incorporate the lard. Mix with your hands and pour in the milk and water mixture. |
Once the powders have absorbed the liquids, transfer the mixture to a floured pastry board. Form a compact and dry dough, place it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, let the dough rest for at least an hour for a maximum of 12 horas, in a cool place. |
Logo deste tempo, resume the dough, lightly sprinkle the pastry board and divide into blocks with a knife. Take a single loaf (cover the rest with the bowl), roll the dough with a rolling pin until you get a very thin sheet, no more than a couple of millimeters. Trim the edge of the dough with a wavy dough cutter. Then cut out 8x7 cm parallelograms. In doing so you should get about 50 pezas. Don't throw away the clippings, but knead them again. |
Once cut, cook them in hot seeds oil at 170 ° para sobre 1 minuto, no more than 3-4 pieces at a time. Once golden, the first part turns and continues on to the other. Drain on absorbent paper and continue with all the others. Your fried dumpling is ready, enjoy it hot! |