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Nqaij Npua Ribs Glazed Nrog Barbecue Sauce

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Nqaij Npua Ribs Glazed Nrog Barbecue Sauce

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Cov khoom xyaw

kho servings:
For Ribs
1400 g g guitar
1 diav Qab zib paprika
1 diav kua kua txob
1 diav Garlic Powder
1 diav Yellow Mustard Powder
1 diav cumin hmoov
1 diav ntsev
For Barbecue Sauce
1/2 dos
1 hlais Qej
10 g Raw Cane Qab Zib
90 ml Maple Syrup
250 g Ketchup
1 diav Kub Paprika
1 diav Qab zib paprika
2 diav Apple Cider Vinegar
1 diav mustard
2 diav Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 diav Dub kua txob
1 tes ntsev
rau saj Ntxiv nkauj xwb txiv roj roj

Bookmark no daim ntawv qhia

Koj yuav tsum ID nkag mus los yog sau npe rau bookmark / nyiam no cov ntsiab lus.

  • ntsim
  • 145
  • Ua hauj lwm pab 4
  • Medium

Cov khoom xyaw

  • For Ribs

  • For Barbecue Sauce



Rau Asmeskas, koj paub, barbecue yog qhov chaw txaus siab! Tab sis los npaj succulent nqaij npuas tav nws tsis yog nruj me ntsis kom muaj vaj thiab barbecue, txawm tias koj lub qhov cub los yuav zoo! Hauv daim ntawv qhia no peb muab koj cov nqaij npuas ua zoo noj hauv bbq, seasoned nrog tov ntsev thiab cov txuj lom hauv hmoov, “qhuav tshiav”, ua tib zoo sprinkled nrog cov zaws kom ntxaws ntawm cov nqaij.
Rau qhov ci ntsa iab koj tuaj yeem paub tias nws yooj yim npaum li cas npaj rau cov kua ntses ci ntxiv; muaj ntau ntau yam qauv thiab nws yog qhov zoo heev txawm tias nqaij qaib nqaij!

Cov kauj ruam

ua li cas

To prepare the pork ribs glazed with barbecue sauce, take the meat and massage it on both sides with the mix of spices and herbs.

ua li cas

Wrap the meat with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least two hours, so that it will flavor.

ua li cas

After that, remove the film and cook the ribs covered with aluminum foil in a static oven preheated to 200 ° rau txog 2 teev (180 ° for just under two hours if you use a fan oven); the ribs will be ready when you see the meat peel off the bone.

ua li cas

While the meat is cooking you can prepare the barbecue sauce: in a pan pour a drizzle of oil, chopped onion and garlic. Brown it by mixing with a wooden spoon, then add the brown sugar, the sweet and hot paprika, cov kua txob; do kom sib tov cov khoom xyaw thiab ntxiv cov worchester sauce.

ua li cas

Do dua thiab ntxiv cov dawb wine vinegar, ib teaspoon ntawm mustard, lub maple phoov, txuas ntxiv mus sib tov thaum koj ncuav cov khoom xyaw.

ua li cas

Ntxiv cov ketchup, ib pinch ntsev thiab noj cov ntses rau ob peb feeb, mus saj thiab thicken. Ces muab tua hluav taws.

ua li cas

Thaum cov ribs siav, coj lawv tawm ntawm qhov cub thiab txhuam cov ntses barbecue rau ntawm qhov chaw; koj tuaj yeem muab lawv tso rau hauv qhov cub 200 ° rau 5 feeb.

ua li cas

Thaum kawg ntawm glazing, coj lawv tawm ntawm qhov cub thiab ua hauj lwm rau lawv!

Daim ntawv qhia Xyuas

Muaj cov kev xyuas rau qhov no daim ntawv qhia tsis tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau koj rov los saib
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Ntxiv Koj Saib

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