
Microwave Coconut Mug Keke

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Microwave Coconut Mug Keke

Faaite i te reira i runga i to koutou whatunga pāpori:

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Whakarite Ngā tohanga:
2 punetēpu 00 paraoa
2 punetēpu Sugar
1 punetēpu Maroke tawerewere Coconut
1 hēki
1/4 punetēpu Tunu Paura hoki Keke
2 punetēpu Oil uri
ki te reka paura Sugar

Tohuwāhi tenei tohutaka

Me koe ki takiuru ranei rēhita ki te tohuwāhi / tino tenei ihirangi.

  • nohopuku
  • kaihuawhenua
  • 5
  • Ua tavini i 1
  • Easy




He aha te pai tenenga te keke i roto i te kapu, ngāwari nohopuku me te monamona rite i roto i te meneti torutoru, mahi no te mea e kore e whiwhi i te reira tua atu i te kapu paru taea e koe te mahi hoki tino ki reka maha, anake te mea e whai koe ki te whakarongo ki he nga rahinga, ki te kore e pono e tupato, me te kore e tino koe aituä koe Okú mea katoa. I teie mahana whakaaro ahau koutou kokonati keke maka rite i roto i 5 meneti.



This coconut mug cake ready in 5 minutes is really fast, it will take just 5 meneti, do not you believe it? Then let's start the clock: in a mug or a cup pour the flour, te huka, the dried coconut flakes and the baking powder, mix with a fork.


Now add the egg and the oil and mix well, melt everything paying attention not to leave lumps. It's very important that the dough is smooth, then stir vigorously until you have obtained it.


Now put the cake in the microwave at maximum power for 2 meneti (do the toothpick test if it is the case cook another 40 hēkona).


Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Here is your coconut cake ready in 5 meneti ?

If you want to make a chocolate version, substitute to coconut 1 tablespoon of cocoa and 2 tablespoon of hazelnut chocolate

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