Neeg txhais lus

Fritters Xus taub qab zib

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Fritters Xus taub qab zib

Muab nws qhia rau koj kev network:

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Cov khoom xyaw

Kho ntawd qhov:
160g Qab zib
2 Orange Peel
500 g taub dag
3 nruab nrab Qe
8 g Baking tus hmoov rau ncuav
250 g 0 Hmoov nplej
Paj noob hlis roj
Rau Garnish
Icing qab zib

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  • Cauj
  • Neeg tsis noj nqaij
  • 45
  • Pab raws li cov 8
  • Yooj yim

Cov khoom xyaw

  • Kib

  • Rau Garnish


Qhia tawm

Cov cua ntawm Halloween theem peb rov qab mus rau ib daim ntawv qhia li tasty li nws yog yooj yim, Uas yog npaj nyob rau lub sij hawm luv luv thiab saum toj noj tag nrho nrog dag zog me ntsis: the sweet pumpkin fritters. Once the pumpkin is cooked, simply blend it with eggs, sugar and orange zest and mix everything with flour. A few seconds in boiling oil and your sweet pumpkin fritters are ready!


Ua li cas

To prepare sweet pumpkin fritters, first take care of the pumpkin that must be cut and cleaned from the seeds. Cut it into slices 1 tuab, wrap them in aluminum foil and put them in the oven for an hour at 200 °, or to speed up the cooking, cut them into cubes raw and cook them in the oven always wrapped with foil for 40 feeb 200 °.

Ua li cas

Ib zaug ua siav, put the pumpkin pulp in a mixer and add the eggs, sugar and grated orange zest. Blend everything and pour the mixture into a bowl. Sift the yeast and flour into the mixture, mixing everything well until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture that you will transfer to a disposable sac-à-poche with a smooth spout.

Ua li cas

Thaum no tus taw tes, heat the oil in a pan and form dough balls of about 2 centimeters, squeezing the sac-à-poche from above. Since the dough will be soft but slightly sticky, use a small knife to detach it from the nozzle of the pastry bag. Proceed in this way until the dough is finished keeping in mind that the fritters falling into the oil must be the size of a walnut.

Ua li cas

Wait for the fritters to swell, then turn them with a ladle and when they are golden brown on the whole surface, remove them from the oil and put them on a plate lined with paper towels.

Ua li cas

Sprinkle the sweet pumpkin fritters with some icing sugar and serve them while still hot!

Daim ntawv qhia kev

Muaj tseem tsis muaj kev rau no daim ntawv qhia tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau ntawv rau koj tau saib
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