Neeg txhais lus

Neapolitan khoom ua si kua txob

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Neapolitan khoom ua si kua txob

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Cov khoom xyaw


Qhia tawm

Neapolitan kua txob khoom yeej nplua nuj thiab ntau yam pauv loj thib ob kom them homage rau lub Mediterranean flavors. Cov no yog tej yam no hu ua kua txob khoom ua si nrog ib dav teb uas feem ntau yog mov ci, qe thiab tantalizing xyaw es thiaj li tau cov txiv ntseej, capers thiab tej zaum txawm anchovies thiab eggplants sim (nyob rau hauv lub versions feem ntau thaum!). Nyob rau hauv peb daim ntawv qhia, Tus ntse nplaum uas tov nrog Parmesan breadcrumbs yuav muab ib tug irresistible crunchy browning. Kua txob phawv khoom ua si yog ib tug yuav tsum nyob rau yav qab teb Italian cuisine thiab cov countless variations: ntawm cov nplej puv kua txob rau cov neeg tsis noj nqaij sawv daws yuav, hi ricotta kua txob, eggplants thiab ceev ntoo thuv, tsis forgetting txoj kev ntau classic nqaij thiab-hnyuv ntxwm-puv kua txob. .. tsis xaiv tus zoo tshaj sawv daws yuav!


Ua li cas

Muab cov khoom ua si Neapolitan kua txob, pib los ntawm cov kua txob rau ntawm lub qhov cub nrog ib tug nplaim taws spreader rau cov nplaim taws ci kawg 10 feeb txhua, xa lawv txij ua ke mus ua ke. Yog koj tsis muaj tus nplaim spreader, koj yuav tau ci lub kua txob rau lub yias kub heev.

Ua li cas

Ua rau lub kua txob ua ib baking phaj, npog lawv muab ntaub yas qhwv thiab cia li no, ua ntej yuav depriving rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij, txog kawg 15 feeb.

Ua li cas

Nyob hauv lub meantime, ntsuam xyuas lub teb: hlais cov mov rau hauv slices, txiav ua ntsuas thiab ntawv laws cov Gaeta tau cov txiv ntseej lub cuab tam uas tsim nyog los ua ib rab riam. Muab cov mov, zaub txig theem nplooj thiab zaub txhwb qaib, tau cov txiv ntseej thiab ua tib zoo desalted capers hauv lub tais ntawd tov khoom. Ntxiv cov qij peeled thiab thaum kawg ntxiv lub qe. Whisk puas tsav puas yam kom txog thaum cov dej yog homogeneous thiab compact. Ntxiv ib co kua txob av saj. Nws yuav tsis tsim nyog ntxiv ntsev ntau rau tus ua khob noom cookie li cov capers, tau cov txiv ntseej mov ci yog thiab twb quite savory.

Ua li cas

Meanwhile, tau koj lub kua txob thiab tshem cov tawv nqaij uas yuav tawm tau yooj yim. Hlais qhov muab cov nqi saum toj kawg nkaus thiab tshem cov noob puab.

Ua li cas

Tam sim no roj ib baking phaj, muab cov kua txob thiab puv nrog tus sau koj npaj lawm.

Ua li cas

Nyob rau hauv ib lub tais, muab cov grated Parmesan cheese lub breadcrumbs thiab kis tus dej hla lub kua txob, lub caij uas ib nag tshauv txiv roj roj thiab caij saj nrog av txob.

Ua li cas

Ua cov kua txob nyob ib preheated zoo li qub cub tom 180 ° rau 35 feeb. Thaum siav, lawv yuav tau zoo browned rau ntawm qhov chaw. Nws txias thiab pab cov Neapolitan kua txob khoom ua si cia!

Daim ntawv qhia kev

Muaj tseem tsis muaj kev rau no daim ntawv qhia tau, siv ib daim ntawv hauv qab no los sau ntawv rau koj tau saib
yav dhau los
Nqaij nyuj ci nqaij Loaf
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Vegan Creamy Avocado Pasta nrog Chickpea
tom ntej
Vegan Creamy Avocado Tseem Grain Spaghetti (Nplej zom) Nrog Crispy Chickpeas
yav dhau los
Nqaij nyuj ci nqaij Loaf
Zaub mov txawv xaiv - Vegan Creamy Avocado Pasta nrog Chickpea
tom ntej
Vegan Creamy Avocado Tseem Grain Spaghetti (Nplej zom) Nrog Crispy Chickpeas

Ntxiv koj saib

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