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Vegan Chocolate ncuav Muffins

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Vegan Chocolate ncuav Muffins

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Kho ntawd qhov:
150 g 00 Hmoov nplej
150 g Whole Wheat Flour
1 de cov Ntsev
1 sachet of Cremor Tartaro Baking tus hmoov rau ncuav
150 g Agave Syrup
120 g Paj noob hlis roj
160 g Kua mis nyuj
100 g Qhob noom xim kasfes tsaus nti
50 g Dark Chocolate Chip

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Qhia tawm

Muffins are really a versatile dessert thark Chot lends itself to being flavored in a thousand ways according to personal taste: zaum no peb txiav txim siab npaj vegan ncuav muffins nrog ob chav qhob noom xim kasfes. Triumph chocolaty saj thiab siab zoo.


Ua li cas

Sift in a large bowl all the dry ingredients: the flour and baking powder, then add the salt and stir.

Ua li cas

In another bowl, prepare the liquid: agave syrup, sunflower oil and soy milk.

Ua li cas

Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ones and mix well until you obtain a soft and homogeneous mixture without lumps.

Ua li cas

Separate the dark chocolate in a bowl and melt it in a bain-marie inside a saucepan with medium-heat water.

Ua li cas

Once the chocolate has melted add it to your dough and stir to mix well.

Ua li cas

Pour the mixture into muffin molds and, before baking, sprinkle the muffins with the chocolate chips.

Ua li cas

Thaum no tus taw tes, bake in a static oven at 180 degrees for about 25/30 minutes.Take the muffins out of the oven and let them cool. Taste your vegan chocolate muffins

These muffins can be conserved for 3-4 Hnub, covered with a clean cloth or in a cake bell. For an even greedier and rich dessert you can add coconut flour in the dough or on top to decorate

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