320 g Guitar स्पेगेटी
For the Ragu'
300 G भेडा रिब्स
300 G पोर्क रिब्स
300 G बीफ रिब्स
1 coast of अजवाइन
1 गाजर
1 प्याज
700 G बोकेको टमाटर
50 एमएल सेतो वाइन
स्वाद साल्ट
स्वाद अतिरिक्त वर्जिन जैतून तेल
स्वाद मरिच
For Meatballs
300 G जमीन बीफ
1 अन्डा
20 g grated परमेसन चीज
स्वाद जायफल
स्वाद मरिच
स्वाद साल्ट
दिशा निर्देशन
अब्रुज्जो को भोजन, इटाली, धेरै परम्परागत स्वादिष्ट संरक्षित प्रदान गर्दछ, like the famous lamb skewer or the lamb with cheese and eggs. Even in the first courses this region delights us with recipes with strong and rustic flavors that never go out of fashion, गिटार स्पेगेटी जस्तै.
यी ताजा चाउचाउ छन् (पनि सेवई वा tonnarelli रूपमा ज्ञात) भनी distinguishes कि विशिष्ट वर्ग खण्ड छ, एक काठ फ्रेम गितार सम्झना हो कि धातु तार तय गर्दै मा जो सँग. यी स्पेगेटी को लाउने लामो पकाउने समय आवश्यक र धेरै सानो बीफ meatballs संग सार्थक भएको एक धेरै स्वादिष्ट मिश्रित मासु सस छ. सानो meatballs संग गिटार स्पेगेटी को नुस्खा संग अब्रुज्जो को स्वाद तालिका ल्याउन.
To make the Italian spaghetti sauce with small meartballs we start from meatballs: in a bowl place the ground beaf, the egg, the black pepper, the parmesan cheese, the salt and a pinch of nutmeg. Mix with your hands to mix the ingredients and make the meatballs that should not be bigger than 1 सेमी. |
Now take care of the meat sauce: chop celery, carrot and onion finely and fry slowly with a little oil. |
Add the meat and stew well, then blend with white wine, let it evaporate for a moment and then add the peeled tomatoes. |
पकाएको गर्दा, remove the pieces of meat cooked in the sauce and keep aside, place meatballs in a pan and sauté a few minutes with a little oil, then pour the sauce without pieces of meat. |
Put a pot of salted water on the stove and bring it to the boil, pour the spaghetti and cook for the cooking time on the package. |
Drain the pasta and season with the sauce, excluding the meat, which you can use to accompany the dish. |