
baastada (baastada) la Clams

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Spaghetti (baastada) la Clams

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Waxyaabaha ay ka kooban

Dheellitir inood:
1 kg Clams
1 clove of Garlic
1 farabadan dhir
si ay dhadhan Dheeraad ah Virgin Olive Oil
si ay dhadhan Black Pepper
si ay dhadhan Salt
For Clam
si ay dhadhan Cusbo aan dhab ahayn

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  • Light
  • 220
  • adeegtaa 4
  • Easy

Waxyaabaha ay ka kooban

  • For Clam



Toos ah uga dhaqan Campania, baastada la clams hubaal waa mid ka mid ah saxamada ugu muhiimsan ee cunnada ay Talyaani ah iyo meesha ugu dhex suxuunta kalluunka ugu horeysay caan. recipe A fudud in siinayaa dhadhan weyn u baastada. Oo waa ka gooni ka mid ah saxanka of Sunday waa icon dhabta ah ee Christmas ama Sannadka Cusub ee Eve.



To prepare spaghetti with clams, start by cleaning them. First make sure that there are no broken or empty shells, they will be discarded. Then beat them on the sink, or possibly on a cutting board. This operation is important to verify that there is no sand inside: the healthy bivalves will remain closed, while those full of sand will open. Then place the clams in a colander resting on a bowl and rinse them. Place the colander in a bowl and add plenty of coarse salt, you will have to recreate a sort of sea water. Leave the clams to soak for 2-3 saacadood. After this time the clams will purge any residual sand.


In a pan heat a little oil. Then add a clove of garlic and, while is this browning, drain the clams well, rinse them and dip them in the hot pan. Close with the lid and cook for a few minutes over high heat.
The clams will open with heat, then shake the pan from time to time until they are completely opened. As soon as they are all open, immediately turn off the flame, otherwise the clams will cook too much.


Collect the juice by draining the bivalves and do not forget to discard the garlic.


Dhanka kale, cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water and drain halfway through cooking.


Then pour the juice into a pan, add the spaghetti and continue cooking using a little cooking water. In this way, you will cook the pasta like a risotto.


Marka la kariyey, add the clams and chopped parsley. A last flame and spaghetti with clams are ready: serve immediately!

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