500 جی مانیٹوبا کا آٹا
3 درمیانہ انڈے
1 چائے کا چمچ کثیر پھول شہد
7 جی نمک
200 ملی پورا دودھ
10 جی بریور کا خمیر
1 نارنجی کا چھلکا
1 چائے کا چمچ ونیلا ایکسٹریکٹ
800 جی شکر
100 جی مکھن
بھرنے کے لیے
120 جی شکر
120 جی مکھن
To brush
1 yolks کے
گلاب کیک Mantuan پاک روایت کی ایک عام شیرینی ہے. پندرہویں صدی کے آخر تک اس کے تاریخی ماخذ کی تاریخ واپس. The roses cake was in fact created on the occasion of the wedding between Francesco II of Gonzaga and Isabella D’Este and was so appreciated by all the Lords of the time that from that moment entered in the Mantuan gastronomic culture and even today it is revived according to the ancient recipe. The roses cake is made with a leavened dough rich in butter and sugar that is rolled into the characteristic shape of a basket of rosebuds that gives the name to this tasty cake.
ان کی پارٹی کے موقع پر ماں کو پیش کرنے کے لئے ایک سوادج تحفہ!
ہو گیا
Crumble the yeast in a small bowl and add a little warm milk and a teaspoon of honey, then mix to dissolve everything. |
ہو گیا
Put the flour in a bowl of a planetary with the Flat Beater, add the yeast mixture, the remaining milk and the grated orange peel by operating the machine on a minimum speed, then add the eggs at room temperature previously beaten with a fork, the sugar, the vanilla extract and finally the salt. |
ہو گیا
Leave to work for at least 10-15 منٹ, then add the softened butter one piece at a time: do not add a new piece if the previous one has not been absorbed (to absorb all the butter it will take at least 10 minutes of processing you can make using the Dough Hook). When the dough is smooth, elastic and will come off the sides of the bowl (in case it does not come off the sides of the planetary flour and continue processing), turn it on a pastry board, work a few seconds to give it the shape of a ball and then Put it in a brushed bowl with some butter and cover with a transparent film. Put it to rise for at least 2 hours in the oven off but with the light on until the volume is doubled. |
ہو گیا
Put the softened butter inside the bowl of a whipped planetary, add the sugar and whisk until the mixture is a white and frothy cream. |
ہو گیا
Take the leavened dough and roll it out with a rolling pin on a floured pastry board, obtaining a rectangle formed by a 2 mm thick sheet having a side of about 60 cm and the other of 40-45 سینٹی میٹر. |
ہو گیا
Spread the butter cream on the pastry and then roll it on its longest part. Cut the roll into 12 pieces with a thickness of 4-5 cm each. |
ہو گیا
Grease and flour a cake pan with a diameter of 28 cm and place inside it, starting from the perimeter, the pasta roses, leaving a few cm of space between them. Finish by placing 3-4 roses of pasta in the center and then put them to rise for at least 1 hour in the oven but with the light on. |
ہو گیا
When the roses have doubled their volume and will be attacked, brush them with the beaten egg yolk and then bake in a static oven already hot at 180 کے بارے میں ڈگری 45-50 منٹ (if you use the ventilated one lower the oven temperature to 160 °). Take the toothpick test to verify that it has been cooked. |
ہو گیا
Remove the cake from the roses, let it cool and then turn it out. If you want, you can sprinkle it with icing sugar. |