
Neapolitan to'lishi Peppers

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Neapolitan to'lishi Peppers

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portsiyadan rostlash:
1 qizil Peppers
1 Sariq Pepper
250 g non
80 g Qora zaytun
40 g maydalangan Parmezan pishlog'i
40 g Breadcrumbs
20 g tuzlangan Capers
1 tuxum
1 chinnigullar Sarimsoq piyoz
ta'mi kashnich
ta'mi Basil
ta'mi Oqish zaytun yog'i
ta'mi Qora qalampir

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Sen qilishing kerak Kirish yoki ro'yxatdan Bookmark / Sevimli Ushbu kontent uchun.

  • vegetarian
  • 70
  • xizmat qiladi 1
  • o'rta




Neapolitan qalampir O'rta tatlar hurmat qilib berur boy va katta ikkinchi kurs bo'lgan do'lma. Bu odatda non ichiga olgan saxiy to'ldirish bilan to'ldirilgan qovurilgan qalampir bor, tuxum va zaytun kabi tantalizatsiya qiluvchi ingredientlar, qovurg'alar va ba'zi hollarda hatto loviya va qovurilgan patlıcan (eng jozibali versiyalarda!). Bizning retseptimizda, Parmesan bilan aralashtirilgan non bo'laklarini oqilona qoplash, tuzatib bo'lmaydigan qisqichbaqasimon qizartirishni beradi. Tayyorlangan qalampir Italiya janubidagi oshxonada zaruriydir va son-sanoqsiz tafovutlar mavjud: guruch bilan to'ldirilgan qalampirdan vegetarianlarga qadar, rikotta to'ldirilgan qalampir, baqlajon va qarag'ay yong'oqlari, klassik go'sht va kolbasa bilan to'ldirilgan qalampirni unutmang. .. eng yaxshisini tanlash imkonsiz!



To make the stuffed Neapolitan peppers, start by roasting the peppers on the flame of the stove with a special flame spreader for at least 10 minutes each, turning them from time to time. If you do not have the flame spreader, you can roast the peppers on a very hot pan.


Put the peppers in a baking dish, cover them with plastic wrap and leave them like this, before depriving them of the skin, for at least 15 daqiqa.


Shu vaqitning o'zida, take care of the filling: cut the bread into slices, cut it into cubes and pitted the Gaeta olives with the appropriate tool or a knife. Place the bread, basil leaves and parsley, olives and carefully desalted capers in the mixer bowl. Add the peeled garlic and finally add the egg. Whisk everything until the mixture is homogeneous and compact. Add some ground pepper to taste. It will not be necessary to add more salt to the dough as the capers, olives and bread are already quite savory.


Ayni paytda, get your peppers and remove the outer skin that will come off easily. Cut the top cap and remove the inner seeds.


Now oil a baking dish, place the peppers and fill them with the filling you prepared earlier.


Bir piyola, mix the grated Parmesan cheese with the breadcrumbs and spread the mixture over the peppers, season with a drizzle of olive oil and season to taste with ground black pepper.


Cook the peppers in a preheated static oven at 180 uchun 35 daqiqa. pishirilgan qachon, they will be well browned on the surface. Let it cool and then serve the Neapolitan stuffed peppers!

Recipe Sharh

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