
Carn al forn pa de carn

Carn al forn pa de carn

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ajust Porcions:
600 g carn de res mòlta
400 g Botifarra de carn
200 g Pa
150 g formatge pecorino
200 g Llet sencera
2 ous Ous
3 branquetes farigola
greated 1/2 culleradeta nou moscada
tastar sal
tastar Pebre negre
tastar Oli d'oliva verge extra

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Pa de carn és una preparació casolana clàssic de la cuina italiana, àvies i mares guarden gelosament la recepta de la família que tradicionalment es prepara el diumenge per dinar o sopar quan té convidats. És un segon plat de carn que agrada a joves i grans i ha de ser servit a rodanxes, si vols, acompanyat de plats laterals simples, com ara patates cuites al forn; És tan fàcil de fer que es pot pensar en la preparació d'ell, fins i tot en la setmana i tenen un plat saborós única llista per degustar fins i tot en fred.

Pastís de carn es pot preparar de moltes maneres diferents: amb carn de res, vedella o fins i tot porc mixt de boví, pollastre o gall dindi; vostè pot omplir com un rostit i cuinar al forn o en una paella.



Remove the crust of fresh bread with a knife, cut it into cubes and transfer it into a bowl: in total, you will need about 150 g of fresh breadcrumbs. Pour the milk into the bowl so that the bread absorbs it and softens.


Meanwhile remove the gut from the sausage and crush it.
Pour the ground beef into another bowl, then add the sausage, the grated Pecorino Cheese, the bread soaked in milk and squeezed slightly, the whole eggs, the nutmeg, a few leaves of fresh thyme, sal i pebre.


Knead the mixture with your hands to mix all the ingredients in a homogeneous way, then give it the shape of a cylinder, taking care to compact it well. Put the meat loaf on a sheet of parchment paper, brush it with olive oil. Preheat the oven to 180 ° in static mode.


Take a large baking pan, grease the bottom with the olive oil. Place the meat loaf in the center of the baking pan and cook in a preheated 180 ° static oven for about 80-90 acta.


After cooking time, take out the meatloaf and serve it hot.

You can combine the meatloaf with baked potatoes to be cooked directly in the same baking pan together with the meatloaf.

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