For Ribs
1400 g Costelles de porc
1 culleradeta Pebre vermell dolç
1 culleradeta Pebrot picant
1 culleradeta All en pols
1 culleradeta Mostassa groga en pols
1 culleradeta Pols de comí
1 culleradeta sal
For Barbecue Sauce
1/2 ceba
1 tallar All
10 g Sucre de canya crua
90 ml Xarop d'auró
250 g Ketchup
1 culleradeta Pebre vermell picant
1 culleradeta Pebre vermell dolç
2 culleradeta Vinagre de sidra de poma
1 culleradeta Mostassa
2 culleradeta Salsa Worcestershire
1/2 culleradeta Pebre negre
1 pessigar sal
tastar Oli d'oliva verge extra
Per als nord-americans, saps, barbacoa és una font d’orgull! Però per preparar suculentes costelles de porc no és estrictament necessari tenir jardí i barbacoa, fins i tot el vostre forn estarà bé! En aquesta recepta us oferim delicioses costelles de porc amb salsa barbacoa, condimentat amb una barreja de sal i espècies en pols, “fregar sec”, salpebrat amb cura amb un massatge minuciós a la carn.
Per al vidre podeu esbrinar el senzill que és preparar la salsa barbacoa; n’hi ha moltes versions i és realment excel·lent fins i tot amb carn de pollastre!
To prepare the pork ribs glazed with barbecue sauce, take the meat and massage it on both sides with the mix of spices and herbs. |
Wrap the meat with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least two hours, so that it will flavor. |
After that, remove the film and cook the ribs covered with aluminum foil in a static oven preheated to 200 aproximadament 2 hores (180 ° for just under two hours if you use a fan oven); the ribs will be ready when you see the meat peel off the bone. |
While the meat is cooking you can prepare the barbecue sauce: in a pan pour a drizzle of oil, chopped onion and garlic. Brown it by mixing with a wooden spoon, then add the brown sugar, the sweet and hot paprika, the pepper; stir to mix the ingredients and also add the worchester sauce. |
Stir again and add the white wine vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, the maple syrup, continuing to mix as you pour the ingredients. |
Add the ketchup, a pinch of salt and cook the sauce for a few minutes, to flavor and thicken. Then put out the fire. |
When the ribs are cooked, take them out of the oven and brush the barbecue sauce on the surface; you can then put them in the oven at 200 ° de 5 acta. |
At the end of the glazing, take them out of the oven and serve them! |