8 Oilasko Hegoak
100 ml Ardo zuria
dastatu Birjina estra
1 koilaratxo Piperra beroa
freshly ground Black Pepper
2 cloves Baratxuria
1 adartxoa Rosemary
dastatu Salt
Paprika oilasko hegoak dira oilasko zatiak oso zaporetsua ardo marinatuak, piperrauts, baratxuri eta erromeroa eta gero zartagin batean egosi. benetan onak dira, baina baita argi eta joan bai eta alboko plater mota batekin, bai gordinak eta egosiak.
piperrautsa oilasko hegoak etortzen oso ongi ez-makila zartagin batean, baina baldin baduzu ere erabil dezakezu tajine du, Buztinezko pan jakin bat du zurrunbilo formako estalkia duten sukaldaritza haragi ezaugarria tenperatura baxuetan ditu, ingurunean bustitzeko. Modu honetan, bere zapore guztiak eta muturreko leuntasuna mantentzen du.
Dab the chicken wings with kitchen paper to dry them well, then flame them to remove any remaining pens. To flame, you need to light the stove and pass the chicken over it so that the fire burns the small remaining feathers. |
Put the wings in a baking dish and add the white wine. Stir them well a couple of times, then sprinkle with a little olive oil, the paprika, a generous grinding of pepper, the sliced garlic and the well-washed and dried rosemary leaves. Cover with plastic wrap and put in the fridge to marinate for at least 1 ordu, but if you have the possibility, prolong the marinade even at 2 edo 3 ordu. In the middle of the marinade turn the chicken over. The chicken should be placed at room temperature at least half an hour before cooking, keep it in mind during preparation. |
Put a non-stick pan on the heat with a little olive oil and heat it well. |
Add the chicken wings and brown well on all sides. |
Add the whole marinade, aurrez egosi, lower the lid and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Occasionally uncover and sprinkle the chicken with the cooking juices or turn it. |
After the indicated time, raise the heat and brown, turning the chicken several times, until it is well browned. Serve immediately. |