
Vegan errea Red Pepper Sauce Pasta

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Vegan errea Red Pepper Sauce Pasta

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Egokitu Anoa:
400 g Pasta
1 Red Peppers
1 Piper horia
1 tuft Basilio
dastatu Birjina estra
dastatu Salt
dastatu Black Pepper
dastatu parmesanoarekin gazta for Vegan, use the vegan parmesan cheese!

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  • healty
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  • vegan
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  • 90
  • Balio 4
  • Erraza




erreak piperrak saltsa Pasta uda bikaina lehenengo platera da. Bikain pasta laburra, Gehien hobetsia tamaina, fusilli aukeratu dugu, piper erreekin egin belusatua saltsa batekin ondu, albahaka eta olioa, ezer gehiago!

pasta gozoak eta koloretsua A onena egiten dituen udan denean piperrak goialdean daude, Denboraldi bat eta bertan barazkiak ez dira bakarrik ugaritasuna aurkitu baina zapore aberatsa duten, ezaugarria udako denboraldian soilik.

Sukaldari en trick, errezeta honetan, egingo piperrak prestatzeko teknika aurkitu duzu, horiek, izan ere, zuritu beharreko lehenik labean erreta eta gero poltsa batean itxita, zein erraza da horiek zuritu prozesu hori jasan eta gero ikusiko duzu.



Roast the peppers by placing them whole and washed over the flame of the stove. Do not be afraid they will not catch fire but the skin will become all black. When they are completely black put them to rest in a plastic bag, I use those from freezer. Close the bag and let it rest for about ten minutes.


After this time clean the peppers and thanks to the steam that will be created inside the bag the skin will come away with very little effort. Clean the pepper, remove the inside and the seeds then cut into chunks and place them in the glass of the immersion blender together with salt, piper, basil and a little extra virgin olive oil. Blend well all until you get a very fragrant cream.


Boil a saucepan with plenty of salted water and when it comes to a boil, drop the pasta.


In a pan heat oil with the crushed garlic clove and chilli if you like. When it is hot, pour the cream of pepper and let it heat only.


Drain the pasta and keep a couple of ladles of cooking water aside. Dip the pasta into the pan with the cream, remove the garlic and stir fry it to mix it with the sauce. If it is too dry, add a little cooking water that you have put aside.


Add some grated Parmesan Cheese or the Vegan one and serve.

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