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Ribs muicean air an glaodhadh le sauce barbecue

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Ribs muicean air an glaodhadh le sauce barbecue

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Ceartaich Servings:
For Ribs
1400 g Riban Muc-fheòil
1 teaspoon Paprika milis
1 teaspoon Chili Pepper
1 teaspoon Pùdar garlic
1 teaspoon Pùdar Mustard Buidhe
1 teaspoon Pùdar Cumin
1 teaspoon Salt
For Barbecue Sauce
1/2 Uinnean
1 sliseag creamh
10 g Siùcar Cane Raw
90 ML Maple Syrup
250 g Ketchup
1 teaspoon Paprika teth
1 teaspoon Paprika milis
2 teaspoon Fìon-dhearcan leann Apple
1 teaspoon mustard
2 teaspoon Sauce Siorrachd Worcester
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
1 gràinnean Salt
gus blas Extra Virgin Oilibh Ola

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  • Spicy
  • 145
  • a 'frithealadh 4
  • tro Mheadhan na


  • For Ribs

  • For Barbecue Sauce



Do dh'Ameireaganaich, tha fios agad, tha barbecue na adhbhar moit! Ach airson riban muc-fheòil ullachadh chan eil e gu tur riatanach gàrradh agus barbecue a bhith agad, even your oven will be fine! In this recipe we offer you delicious pork ribs in bbq sauce, seasoned with a mix of salt and spices in powder, “dry rub”, carefully sprinkled with a thorough massage on the meat.
For the glazing you can find out how simple it is to prepare the barbecue sauce; there are many versions and it is really excellent even with chicken meat!



To prepare the pork ribs glazed with barbecue sauce, take the meat and massage it on both sides with the mix of spices and herbs.


Wrap the meat with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least two hours, so that it will flavor.


After that, remove the film and cook the ribs covered with aluminum foil in a static oven preheated to 200 Airson ° mu 2 hours (180 ° for just under two hours if you use a fan oven); the ribs will be ready when you see the meat peel off the bone.


While the meat is cooking you can prepare the barbecue sauce: in a pan pour a drizzle of oil, chopped onion and garlic. Brown it by mixing with a wooden spoon, then add the brown sugar, the sweet and hot paprika, the pepper; stir to mix the ingredients and also add the worchester sauce.


Stir again and add the white wine vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, the maple syrup, continuing to mix as you pour the ingredients.


Add the ketchup, a pinch of salt and cook the sauce for a few minutes, to flavor and thicken. Then put out the fire.


When the ribs are cooked, take them out of the oven and brush the barbecue sauce on the surface; you can then put them in the oven at 200 airson ° 5 mionaid.


At the end of the glazing, take them out of the oven and serve them!

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