4 (not too ripe) Bananaichean
40 g Butter
120 g Sugar
1 glainne Sùgh orainds
30 g Rùm
Tha lasrach banana a tha air leth sònraichte agus drùidhteach reasabaidh ma dhèanamh air beulaibh nan aoighean’ sùilean! Tha seo a 'mìlsean, freagarrach blasad seo measan ann an dòigh eadar-dhealaichte seach, Tha iongantach ath-thagraidh. Airson an adhbhar seo a tha e ri ullachadh air amannan sònraichte leithid cudromach dìnnearan, aig àm na Nollaig, tlachd diners le sweet appetizing agus cho mòr-fhollaiseach bhuaidh a 'cur iongnadh.
Tha foirfe flambè Faodaidh e cuideachd a bhith bunait branndaidh, branndaidh no Grand marnier, ach a-mhàin an ruma: Tagh fhèin stèidhichte air d 'bhlas! Flambation S e pròiseas nach eil a 'gabhail mòran ùine airson seo reasabaidh, a chionn gur e am banana mòran nas buige agus nas fhìnealta.
To prepare the flaming bananas, start by squeezing the orange and filtering the juice. |
Then take a non-stick pan over the heat and melt the sugar. When it starts to caramelize, taking the dark blond color, add the butter. |
As soon as the butter has melted, add the peeled bananas in the pan over a gentle heat for 1-2 mionaid. Turn them gently on both sides taking care not to break them and making them absorb the heat evenly. |
At this point add the rum and let it catch fire, slightly tilting the pan towards the flame or using a pastry torch. When the flames have faded to disappear completely, remove the bananas from the pan and set aside. |
In the caramel left in the pan, add the orange juice and emulsify with a wooden spoon. |
Then put the bananas in the pan and cook them again, turning them for a uniform cooking. |
Now that the bananas are cooked cut half a banana into rounds and arrange it in a dessert plate. Add the other banana to the banana and pour the caramel sauce on top of both. You can serve it by leaving the whole banana flanged or by cutting it, iomlan no ann am pàirt, into slices to be placed side by side for an elegant presentation of the fruit. You can also serve these delicious flambéed bananas with a scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice cream. |