
Fryed meatballs With Provola Chiiz

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Fryed meatballs With Provola Chiiz

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Gbanwee servings:
500 g Anụ ehi akwọrọ akwọ
130 g stale Bread
50 g Parmesan cheese
2 àkwá
ka uto nnu
ka uto Black ose
50 g Chiiz Provola na-ese anwụrụ
1 tuft nke pasili
2 twigs of thyme
ka uto breadcrumbs
Mkpụrụ Mmanụ

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  • 40
  • na-eje ozi 5
  • Easy




Fryed meatballs bụ a dị mfe ma dị nnọọ ụtọ Ntụziaka. Ndị a obi morsels nke minced anụ ahụmahụ na provola, Parmesan, egg na pasili ike n'ezie-efu efu na menu nke a mara mma ezumike oriri ma ọ bụ a Sunday nri ehihie na ndị ezinụlọ. Na nke a version ha na-eghe, ma ekele ha egosipụta ọtụtụ ihe i nwere ike esi nri na meatballs na ụzọ dị iche iche. Gbalịa ha ihe atụ na oven, ma ọ bụ na a pan na tomato ihendori maka a succulent abụọ N'ezie.
Ọ bụrụ na ị chee ha na-ekpo ọkụ na a ọhụrụ salad na yi toothpicks ma ọ bụ Obere-ndụdụ na-eje ozi na-n'ịgba ụzọ, ọ dịghị onye nwere ike imeri ndị a na-atọ ụtọ meatballs!



To prepare meatballs, start slicing the stale bread. Remove the crust and cut the breadcrumbs into cubes, then place it in a mixer together with the minced parsley and the thyme leaves: operate the mixer until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Slice and chop the provola cheese.


In a large pan place the meat, chopped bread and provola cheese, add the grated Parmesan cheese and finally the eggs slightly beaten. Season with salt and pepper then start kneading with your hands until you get a compact dough, which you have to leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes covered with plastic wrap.


Mgbe oge dị mkpa, remove the dough from the refrigerator, moisten your hands and begin to divide the dough into portions of about 20 g: each modeled on the palm of your hand to get balls of the same size. Then put them on a tray lined with transparent film.


Put breadcrumbs in a large bowl and pass each meatball inside, turning it with the help of a fork for a uniform breading. Let them rest all on the tray, trying to distance them slightly from each other.


Ka ọ dịgodị, bring the oil to fry at a temperature that does not exceed 170-180 Celsius (to be measured with a kitchen thermometer). When it is hot at the right point, dip 2-3 meatballs at a time with a skimmer so as not to lower the oil temperature too much, cook a few minutes (2-3 minutes will be enough) until you have a nice browning, then transfer the meatballs cooked on absorbent paper just long enough to eliminate the excess oil.
Meatballs are ready, serve them hot!

If you prefer a lighter version, try to bake the meatballs in a preheated 200 Celsius oven maka 20 nkeji (if ventilated, at 180 ° maka 10 nkeji). You can flavor the dough with a freshly chopped chilli pepper, with the herbs and spices you prefer, or substitute parmesan cheese with pecorino cheese.

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