
Carnival Kleinuhringur Holur

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Carnival Kleinuhringur Holur

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stilla skammtar:
40 g Smjör
200 g 00 Flour
2 Egg
50 g Sugar
1/2 Lemon Peel
1 matskeið Anise Liqueur
1 klípa Salt
8 g Lyftiduft fyrir kökur
1 Vanillubaun
To Sprinkle
að smakka Sugar
að steikja
að smakka Hnetuolía

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  • grænmetisæta
  • 40
  • þjónar 10
  • Medium


  • To Sprinkle

  • að steikja



Kleinuhringur Holur, kleinuhringir, tortelli, eru bara nokkrar af þeim nöfnum sem þessar dæmigerð sælgæti í Carnival eru kallaðir. Meðal confetti, Streamerar og grímur donut holur er ekki hægt vantar! Upphaflega frá Romagna, þessir litlu og sælgæti steikt deigi eru utan ilmandi og mjúkur inni … vals inn í sykur allir vilja eins og þá! The klassískt útgáfa felur í sér notkun anísfræjum en við mælum með að þú prófir aðra ilmur svo þú getur fundið hið fullkomna uppskrift! Þrátt fyrir töku þeirra, Kleinuhringur Holur, eru unnin og njóta í mörgum héruðum Ítalíu og, stundum, fyllt með custard eða súkkulaði. Prófaðu útgáfa af þessum steikt eða bakað karnival kökur!



To prepare the castagnole, slice the vanilla bean and remove the seeds, then add them to the sugar and stir.


In another bowl place the flour, then add the sugar mixed with the seeds of vanilla and the eggs. Add the slightly softened butter, the grated lemon peel and the anise liqueur. Add a pinch of salt and the sifted yeast. Once you have combined all the ingredients start to mix them with a fork and continue kneading by hand; As soon as you have obtained a uniform mixture, transfer it to a lightly floured work surface with the help of a dough pastry cutter. Knead everything until you get a smooth and soft dough, always using the dough pastry cutter if the dough should be too sticky. At this point put the dough in a bowl, cover with the food film and leave to stand for about 30 mínútur.


Once the dough has rested, start to heat the oil that will have to reach the temperature of 170 °, only in this way you will in fact get some golden castagnole at the right point and cooked inside.


Go to form the castagnole. Take a little dough from the bowl and make a vein on a lightly floured surface; then using a floured dough pastry cutter cut into pieces of dough about 12 g. With this mixture you will get about 30. Then model each portion with your hands so as to obtain balls.


As soon as the oil is warm, dip a few pieces at a time, you can help with a skimmer to transfer them without distorting them; turn the castagnole often with a skimmer to promote uniform cooking. Then drain your chestnuts and transfer them on a sheet of straw paper, to remove excess oil.


Meanwhile place the sugar in a bowl and when the castagnole will still be hot roll it inside the sugar. Continue in this way for the others and serve your castagnole!

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